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Life & Work with Crystal Carroll

Today we’d like to introduce you to Crystal Carroll.

Hi Crystal, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I began my career in property management 20 years ago, straight out of High School as a Leasing Consultant for an apartment community. As years past I was able to climb the corporate ladder and break what some consider the glass ceiling from being promoted to Property Manager to now Director of Operations for one of Atlanta’s Top Real Estate Investment firms “MK Industries,” whom also own’s one of Atlanta’s most sought after Movie Production Studios “The West End Production Park” in which I manage.

I have had the pleasure of working with MK Industries going on almost ten years now and I attribute my success to me constantly being willing to continue my education as I have recently acquired my HCCP Certification, Bachelors degree, Real Estate License and I am currently completing my Brokerage License and Masters Degree in International Business. I feel that knowledge is power and no one can hold you back when you know you know what you know. 🙂 Most of all, I contribute my success to my dedication to my relationship with God, which guides my judgement in business and just everyday life. I try to live my life by the golden rule – treat others the way you want to be treated.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
My road to success surely has not been an easy one as most people that are chasing their dreams. Outside of work, I have a wonderful husband with four beautiful bonus daughters, my own 15-year-old daughter/9-year-old son as well as three awesome g- babies (that’s what I call the grandbabies). My life, as you can imagine, is very busy and sometimes stressful with job responsibilities and school. I have had several sleepless nights, but I must say that learning how to prioritize and learning to say “NO” helped me to get through it. Although my prayer life has always been a means for me to release stress and reconnect with myself and my purpose, I was recently introduced to Meditation. Meditation has helped me to take my control of my stress and emotions to a new level of peace. It’s hard to explain in words the amount of peace it helps to create in one’s life daily. I recommend it to everyone I know.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I consider myself to be a Real Estate Professional that specializes in Asset Management. I am known to take a distressed- underperforming property and transform it into a cash flowing well-maintained asset. I pride myself on how I am able to handle different situations and still get the desired end results.

Do you have recommendations for books, apps, blogs, etc?
One is my favorite authors, and motivational speakers is Dr. Miles Monroe. I am also a fan of the Chopra Meditation app.

Contact Info:

Image Credits:

Catherine Witherspoon with onyz fawn took the family pictures

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