Today we’d like to introduce you to Michael Cubit Jr.
Michael, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
My journey began in Sacramento, California as uninspired adolescence. Early on, I had feelings of insecurities for the way my life happen until then and I know that was the main reason why I never put in full effort into school, sports, and anything I was involved in. Going through the motions, I was accepted into over 10 hbcu’s and I picked Alabama State mainly cuz I was tired of parental supervision (had nothing to do with school), lol. I chose Alabama State because they had the best basketball team at the time and I was currently pursuing my dreams of playing collegiate basketball. After being toyed with coaches at Alabama State about possible playing opportunities, I made the decision to just be a “regular student.” The second semester, I fell in love and that forever changed my life, because if I didn’t fall in love, the chances of me coming back to ASU were slim to none if it wasn’t for a significant lady in my life.
Once I was exposed to that type of love, it influenced me to put in my effort into life in regards to my dreams, passions, workouts, living, etc. I just wanted to do better. During that time, I dived into black history and literature and got a very in-depth look of who I was and what I meant to myself. Confidence resonated throughout my demeanor and I began to see the causes of black people’s condition in America where all economically rooted. Ding! That’s when I started to study economics and business in depth probably more so than I did my regular college work. That is also when I developed a slight reputation for being a rebellious and truth-seeking personality. It led to giving me a unique understanding of capitalism of America that was forever growing.
I started my first business VISIONARY WEALTH INVESTMENTS in 2015 which was a Real Estate Investment company that didn’t pan out how I envisioned. As time went on, I realized how difficult it was to be a full-time student and being an entrepreneur full time. By this time, it is 2017 and I was overworked, underpaid, overstressed, and spread thin, all while keeping a finish college emphasis. I had a legal incident that led me to be on probation. I was found in violation of probation and had to spend a month in jail during my college semester where I was in the process of being an elite model, a member of 100 black men of America, and really just doing my best to make this school situation work. All the while, I’m listening to many successful capitalists who didn’t go to school and here I was in school doing things that I hate for people other than me. When I was sitting in jail, it actually gave me clarity on what I should be doing with my life, and while I was in there, I made the decision to never do anything for anybody more than I do it for myself, whether it was family, friends, or people I don’t know.
I went to school that last semester and I already knew I had some internships in Atlanta that would give me positive relationships in the industry that I wanted to be in (by this time, I finished all my core classes in my major). I knew Atlanta was where I could expand my mind and my real estate company. So, before I left to Atlanta, I noticed that when I talk, people listen and I wanted to create a piece of content that I could do any day, anytime and that is where the visionary tip of the day came from. That essentially turned into the combination of my real estate company/principles/marketing schemes and my creative elements into one Youniverse. At the end of the day, people consume content and I knew that with social media, any business can be monetized as long as the content is consistent. I knew a lot of information about economics and business and I wanted to put into action, so now, YOUNIVERSE, the brand is the official entrepreneurial content page for the millennial culture. I will continue to expand the brand to eventually compete with the big-name media conglomerates as well as reinvent what entrepreneurship is to millennials.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It has not been a smooth road. The first struggle I had was getting over my ex which was a large reason I developed the way I did. The second was doing things and dealing with people that you don’t relate to and still doing it anyway for the sake of the business relationship which usually ends up positive anyways. The third and most repetitive was people telling me I was dumb or wrong for dropping out of school with 28 units left, but I didn’t care. I knew where I wanted to be and what I wanted to do and I knew the rest would work itself out.
Youniverse – what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Youniverse is a media company that specializes in creating entrepreneurial content for the millennial culture. Right now, we specialize in promo videos, graphics, website design and interviews that can all be found on my site. I’m most proud of the #youniversity because of the feedback I get from hosting the event and the value that it brings to millennials. What sets me apart is the way I curate my content, I speak about topics and things that other people do, but the way I set it up is unique to me along with my personality.
What is “success” or “successful” for you?
Success is defined but doing what you love and getting paid for it whether that be in the form of money, energy, time spent. If you are following your passion, you have no issues smiling, waking up in the morning, grinding for what you what, as long as you do that you are successful. Just like I’m successful for writing this paragraph right now cuz it gives me the opportunity to expand my brand.
- Photoshoots Starting at $30
Contact Info:
- Phone: 9162870894
- Email: onlyyouniverse@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/visionarymikec/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/VisionaryMikeC
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