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Meet Sadie Evans of Process to Purpose Ministries in Snellville

Today we’d like to introduce you to Sadie Evans.

Sadie, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
The way that I got started was by taking my lived experiences such as growing up with parents that were in and out of prison, being raised by my grandmother that struggled but did her very best taking care of me and my six siblings and also being a teen parent. I decided I could not allow my circumstances to keep me stuck and I also realized that because there was no village to help with rehabilitation, it caused stress on my grandmother, it caused me and my siblings to feel rejected and it also caused painful situations for my parents.

So that is how I came up with a process to purpose ministries. I want to be that village that brings awareness, educates, advocates and inspires individuals that struggle to do it themselves due to lack of knowledge of community resources, lack of education and or a past that keeps them bound. My hope is that it will strengthen the family UNIT. The name came because I realized that all the painful situations I endured was merely just a process I had to go through to get to my purpose in life and I feel that the process is the foundation needed for anyone to gain substance and get to where they are destined to be in life.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
This has and is not a smooth road mainly due to the fact that I am a single mother of five children ages 14-3 so they require all of ME. also because I am from Omaha, Nebraska and I have no roots here at all so it is a challenge for me to meet people that I can collaborate with. Another challenge that I had while on this journey is coming from out of the employee mindset and transforming my mind to have an entrepreneur mindset.

That transformation alone could be exhausting especially when you are still in your building stages, so you are doing a lot of planning, documents and research on your own. Lastly, in establishing a business, I feel it is vital to have a great team so praying and discerning individuals I would like to be on my team is rocky, because you don’t want to misjudge anyone and you want to be sure they will see and help elevate the vision.

We’d love to hear more about your work.
I am still in my building stages so I am not known in the community as of now. Process To Process to Purpose Ministries’ purpose is to educate underserved individuals by teaching them how to access resources in the community that is available to them and by teaching them how to advocate for themselves in order to receive the help they need. We strive to empower individuals by making everyone feel valued and welcomed all while teaching them how to set and accomplish goals in order to become and stay self-sufficient. We believe that everyone deserves to have the same opportunities in life regardless of your mental, financial, educational and physical status. We know that it takes a VILLAGE to create a CHANGE and we strive to be that village for everyone we come in contact with.

Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
My favorite memory is helping my grandmother cook, set up and clean when she was having cookouts for her friends. I loved that time the most because I was spending time with my grandmother and although we were so focused just being in her presence and enjoying the love, her silence radiated made it worthwhile.


  • My first book “Cries from a gracefully broken woman” 20.00
  • My 2nd book “Learning to love thyself 30 day devotional” that is coming out Valentines day Feb 14th 2020 25.00
  • My book inspired by my son “Just like you” this is a children’s book 15.00

Contact Info:

  • Email:
  • Facebook: Process to purpose Ministries

Image Credit:
Hero Anderson also known as 540 Hero is who did my photos he made it a good time!!! I highly recommend him.

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