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Meet Downtown Photographer: Michael Alston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Michael Alston.

Michael, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I’m a bartender by trade. One day a few years ago, I made a lot of money, went on Craigslist and bought a crappy camera. It was a Fuji Finepix something or other. This was back in the “Myspace days”, I posted a few pics I took and some friends from high school in NYC, saw them It happens that they had just started a now defunct magazine, called “Rap Fanatic”, they loved my work and hired me to shoot for them. At first, I would show up for shoots, have no idea what I was doing and just wing it. Beginners luck. Looking back, because I wasn’t overly concerned with being technical, I would just put the camera on and auto mode and compose good shots.

That was about 7 years ago. I have since taught myself how to use my camera properly and worked my way up to professional equipment.

Has it been a smooth road?
Nothing about it has been smooth but that is what makes seeing my growth and progress all the more worth it. I started shooting people and working with models. Got tired of dealing with flaky people who wanted everything for free, took breaks from shooting here and there and then one day I discovered Street photography.

Instagram had a huge part to do with this. It gave me a medium to show what I was doing.

What’s the hardest part of your job?
I think the hardest part is social media. It’s a two-headed monster because social media is what allows you to exist. It’s the part that can make you most effective. The part that can allow you to reach people you otherwise couldn’t. But, because of social media, there is now so much “noise” out there. You have to be focused and determined in order to carve out a “niche” for yourself in order to stand out. It’s very easy to stop believing in yourself if you aren’t instantly getting the reception you feel you deserve.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
Success for me is just contributing to the culture and having people see my pictures. They are like a diary for me. I know what I was going through, what I was thinking about, who missed, and who I was mad at, in every picture that I ever took. I am blessed to be able to share that. I never saw myself as being “the man” or the person to stand out. Instead, I also hoped I would be able to be the person who inspired or motived the next person who would be on top.

So, what’s next? Any big plans?
My plans are to continue taking life as it comes and to continue to enjoy this ride. I never planned on taking photos that would resonate with people, it just happened to me. If you embrace the ebb and flow of life, you will find that things just happen and life just takes you places. I try to always be open to this energy, and I am excited to see where it takes me next…

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Phone: 770.695.2611
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @MikevsAlex

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