Today we’d like to introduce you to Paige Reynolds.
Paige, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
My business bloomed from my spiritual journey. I went through depression for about a year or so and I was searching for answers to overcome. Everything I tried, I felt like it wasn’t working, from confiding into people, trying to keep busy and positive thoughts, to secluding myself it just wasn’t working. I ended up meeting someone who introduced me to spirituality and self-healing techniques and I was immediately intrigued. I wanted to know more. The more I started to learn, the more elevated and liberated I felt. I spent about two years mastering these techniques and keeping to myself so I could truly focus on healing myself and moving forward. From that, became Majestic Tees, which is now named Majestic Things. My entire business layout came to me through a dream, what I was to sell, the colors, the affirmations, etc and how to use it all to share my journey and experiences. This journey has been so liberating for me and I love to extend that to people because we deserve that. To be free, in every sense of the word. Majestic Things is way more than just an income to me, it’s my lifestyle. I aim to inspire at least one person everyday for the rest of my life, if I have done that then I have achieved my purpose. I invite all to take a walk into your Divinity and liberate yourself so we can liberate our children.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I’ll be the first to say this is no walk in the park. There have been plenty of days of crying, frustration and wanting to just give up. Being emotionally invested in my business has been my biggest struggle. I take everything so personal when it comes to it. Another struggle is the up and down of a finances when you are starting a business. Being an entrepreneur can be like $0 this week $300 next week $100, you get what I’m saying. My spirituality then plays a major role in how I overcome the obstacles that I may be faced with.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
My specialty is reminding those around me or those I encounter just how majestic they are! Majestic to me is royal, grand, extraordinary. To go a little deeper, a master of life. Majestic Things offers crystals, seven day affirmed candles, oils, sage and apparel with handwritten affirmations. The two most popular items are my Majestic AF Tees and I got sage Tee. As my business and myself grows, I am bringing my spirituality into the mix more. Learning more knowledge and sharing it on my social media platforms. For the longest, I overlooked all the things I considered small steps towards the bigger picture because I wanted the bigger picture, still do. The difference today is that I understand it takes dedication, hard work and patience to bring forth the things I am. I become a 6 year old girl every time I see someone wearing my T-shirt’s or tagging me in pictures using my candles and sage. It makes me full to know that some of the tools I used to overcome and heal are also tools that can be used for others to heal. I love it here!! What sets me apart from others? I’m me, The Majestic Babe period.
We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you?
Everything around me definitely didn’t happen by chance or because I got lucky/unlucky. It’s a direct result of the dedication, hard work, and patience. I apply, I pray, I create then I slay. This is all Divine timing and what’s mine will be mine. I trust that. No good or bad luck, things just are.
- Sage $9
- Candles $11
- Tees $22
- Oils $15
- Crystals $6
Contact Info:
- Website:
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- Other: TikTok: themajesticbabe