Today we’d like to introduce you to Toy Thomas.
Hi LaToya ‘Toy’, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I started my career in Real Estate five years ago working for the office as the receptionist part-time. I had been in corporate banking treasury management for ten years. Real Estate for me was more about a leap of Faith after being laid off through another downsizing with the bank. Once I decided to attend Real Estate school I didn’t look back.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Not smooth at all, lol! Mind you, I didn’t choose Real Estate; I actually was being obedient to where God was leading me. So the leap of Faith was to just trust God. After two years, I looked up only to realize I had helped grow a market center which is the largest Real Estate office in the state of Alabama. I had helped grow other Realtors jump start their career and had not focused on my own. Now it was time to get busy. Then a world pandemic hit. I stepped more into my purpose as a servant leader, I was front line Spiritually, that’s always my focus point and empowering women with my community. Now I’m back to focus on business. Although in 2020 I hadn’t met my business goals, I was still awarded a trophy for being one of the Top Teams of two, in my market center. I say that to say this, God is always so far ahead of us. I shared that entire testimony on my social media platforms to help as many others as I possibly could.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?|
I’m a Real Estate professional. Co-owner of TC of Birmingham LLC, powered by Keller Williams Realty. I’m a business owner. I’m passionate about helping people become homeowners and offering them a different perspective on life through Real Estate. Helping people create generational wealth through real estate. I serve both in state and out of state Clients in residential and commercial properties. I help with relocation or simply the Client who wants to purchase investment properties to grow their porfolio. I also help Clients to purchase land/acres. There’s nothing or no one I’m not able to assist in Real Estate. I love what I do!
Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
Take off the limits. Be accepting to change quickly. Be intentional about creating opportunities. Don’t play it to safe and to humble. Don’t be afraid of success, you’re a lot more confident than you think and know more than you know. Keep God first, write down the vision on paper and make it plain.
Contact Info:
- Phone: 205-215-7714
- Email:
- Instagram: Breakfastwithtoy
- Facebook: Toy Bender Thomas