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Hidden Gems: Meet Dr. Acquilla Faye McCoy of Tribe Transform

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Acquilla Faye McCoy.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Transformation is a lifelong process that occurs every moment with each breath that is inhaled and released. It takes courage to live and even more to live a life that you create with intention. This is why the work that I do have helped people in the United States, South America, Africa and Europe. Being virtual and able to travel to clients while having a base office at the Sagewood Center in Raleigh, NC has made it easy for individuals to receive transformational support with personal healing, intuitive coaching, and business restructuring has made such an impact in the world. The individuals and company that Tribe Transform attracts are those who know that there is more to life than sacrifice and suppression. They know that healing and transformation are real!!! They feel in their souls that there is someone who can make the painful experience of accepting the truth into a joyful experience where support is available with practical strategies, mindfulness exercises, and personalized programs to suit their needs.

Now how this global business begins and when did I know that being a Transformational Healer, Speaker, Educator and Empowerment Coach was for me? This is a question that many ask because we have been taught to be one dimensional when truth is, you were created to be everything that is you…that’s is more than one dimension for many of us.

“Be who you are and always be number #1 no matter what others may say or think because they are not you. Only you and God know who you are and what you are destined to achieve.” This quote is the foundation and summary of my journey to being an accomplished mother, teacher and creative in this world!

Life has a way of showing us who we are from the time we are born into this world. We are born with a personality, interests and the potential to development into whatever our imaginations can fathom. The key to unlocking our imaginations into tangible reality is the support and love of those around us beginning with our families. For me, Acquilla Faye McCoy, better known as Dr. Faye, my journey to becoming an influencer of wellness, healing, transformation, entertainment and education began in my youth by residing in a multigenerational household on a farm in a place once known as Rhamkatte, NC now through gentrification and expansion is Raleigh.

Yes, it is Raleigh, North Carolina, the capital city, where my family laid a foundation of love, community involvement, self-acceptance, and overcoming difficulties. There were so many lessons that I learned which laid a foundation for my passion to share the wisdom, spread the love and amplify who God ordained me to be from birth. I always knew who I was and what I wanted to do in life and that is one difference about my life when asked why do I do what I do. Why do I help others heal? Why did I decide to attend Winston-Salem State, High Point College, East Carolina University, Argosy University and join Universal Life Ministries? It is because there is a mission that was given to me which has been tested since the time of birth and I made a pledge to live my life and never allow negative forces in this world to stop me!

There are so many women and men who have experienced traumas in their lives prior to the Pandemic and then after the Pandemic those numbers increase drastically. People began to realize how suppressing their experiences and feelings was causing lifestyle challenges. Their mental health was impacted due to lack of sleep, negative self-talk, self-sabotage, too many responsibilities and treating self-care like an annual vacation or special occasion. Due to my transitions in life, such as abuses in various forms, variances in living, and becoming a single mom after a failed relationship; I was gifted by the Creator to still travel the world since my youth; become a columnist for The Carolinian on mental health, Senior Inspirational Editor for Simply Elevator; produce a #1 on podcast- Grown Folks Talking Live; receive multiple accolades and awards; while teaching in alternative school environments and adults’ education. The most wonderful part is that I mastered balance and peace in life while being a single parent and building a company through my personal brand which has evolved to Tribe Transform and securing a non-profit, Our Efforts United.

Everything that I have accomplished derived from the space of mastering myself regardless of the challenges. Self-Love, Acceptance and Vulnerability are skills that one has to be taught and supported with developing. As such, it is a joy to provide others with the opportunity to create the life that they desire in a healthy and balanced manner that fits their own lifestyle. It is a joy to help leaders of leaders to develop wellness strategies, implement stress management structures into their companies, help caregivers to create a healthier life for themselves so that they can support their families from a place of abundance, and to help women and men heal from the traumas, experiences and internal self-talk that has held them from going to their next personal level of success.

Tribe Transform is the extension of Our Efforts United and Acquilla Faye to create a world of harmony, acceptance and bliss. It is a journey that requires commitment, honesty and the power of the Most High! Those who I work with see results from the first session and typically work with me for three months to 2 years; while keeping lifelong connections through large group offerings, products, and individualized services as needed. I am the professional that makes healing, mental health, and restructuring as pleasant as talking with your best friend! The most wonderful part about the services my company provides is seeing the increase of smiles, confidence and transformation that occurs with each client!

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Life as a single parent in the United States is challenge within itself; particularly with the current economy based on a two-income household. Then add to that being a melanated woman who consistently wears headwraps and colorful clothing does not make the journey of being a business owner any easier.

Let’s be honest, it’s America.

Now, with that my level of transparency regarding my past and the activities that led to me being empowering inspiration of the reality of transformation caused many to feel uncomfortable because they have not dealt with nor healed from their own insecurities. I say this to emphasize that when one heals others around them heal and it penetrates the vortex of time to also heal generations within one’s own lineage. Gaining the confidence to make my services and gifts public was the biggest challenge. I fell into the cycle of listening to others for some time due the societal challenges of the labels that others fixated upon me due to just being me and being honest about who I am and who I was during various phases of my life.

My advice to everyone is to stop allowing your spirit to be fed by people who are not comfortable with their own lives and who do not accept the totality of you. If there are people who do not make time to understand you and hear but rather impart their opinions or tell you what you should do then leave them alone until you become confident. Confidence comes from evidence of your actions. I have much evidence of the wonderfulness that my company provides due to the conversations, reviews, awards, and interactions that have occurred over the years. I had to learn that even when finding a coach, there has to a personal standard that aligns with my values. Now this challenge may seem minor to some, but for those who are seeking to truly elevate and overcome disappointments, note…this is major.

My philosophy is that your business, meaning the way you live day to day and also the professional aspect of existence will reflect who you are internally. As I grew, my business has also grown which shifted the dynamics of my clientele along with the impact of the products and services provided. As well, recognition from local to international began to occur because I allowed myself to stop limiting myself due to the feeling or opinions of others.

I had to learn to not only value my knowledge of self but to amplify my knowledge of self through action by allowing myself to receive more that I or anyone else could perceive. The Creator will give you more in life as your relationship deepens to awaken a sacred place within your being. I accepted the challenge to prosper and help others despite the pains, disappointments, judgments, or disapprovals of others. Your vision will receive the support it needs as you make it manifest. This is the key to how I went from 100% private, aka if you knew me then you knew what I could do; to international with a brand that influences multiple cultures through various platforms. Healing is more than what one thinks. Healing comes through Education, Entertainment, Empowerment, and Elevation which are the 4 Es that lead my company in every aspect!

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Tribe Transform?
Tribe Transform is focused on “INREASING LIFE’S BLESSINGS”. We help you to have more balance, smile more, and live the life that you desire.

Our brand has evolved from the individual brand of CEO and founder, Dr. Acquilla Faye McCoy better known as Dr. Faye the Transformation Expert and Shifter. If you are looking for professional services to restructure your business and/or personal affairs along with products to support your elevation then we are the company for you. You can also book Dr. Faye for speaking engagements, facilitation, hosting, and entertainment as a poet & neo-soul artist.

The first step is to schedule a consultation to make sure we are aligned for the needs that you have and guess what!? The consultation only requires your time; email to get started today. We are a wholistic company that covers professional to personal and in-between. Remember you are not one dimensional, so there is no need to live with limits. Healing is real, God is Real and Love Heals.

We have services and provides that range from free to a fee.

Podcast, Videos, Seminars, Retreats, Workshops, One-on-One, Group Session, Books, Blogs and Energy Shifting Services including Reiki and Spiritual Support Tools.

How do you think about luck?
For Tribe Transform, there is no such thing as luck. Everything that has been achieved is a result of consistency, effort and confidence all wrapped in love and perserverance. Receiving Women on FIre, United Nations- I Change Nations Award, DDWL Image Award, Emerging Leader with Spectacular Magazine, American Mother of the Year for NC, and several other recognizations were obtained by helping others to make an impact in their personal lives and the greater community. Writing books such as The Men We Choose, Letters of Devotion: Prayers through Meditation, Live Your Best Life: Your Life is the Message (contributor), Twelve Universal Laws of Success: Achiever Edition (Contributor, Editor, and Marketer), Overcoming Life’s Challenges (editor & publisher), I’m Just Being Honest (editor & publisher), and The Single Mom’s Handbook (editor & publisher); required focus and dedication. Maintaining a non-profit, Our Efforts United that has impacted over 5,000 lives in 10 years resulted from making valuable connections, respect, and dedication to a vision to improve the community through education and resources. Helping others as a counselor and consultant is a result of devoting myself to learning, listening, and loving. As Snoop Dogg said, “I would like to thank myself.” It is not about luck! It is about being committed to knowing that you are the greatness that you feel deep inside of yourself. It is the reason that even when you feel like giving up, you keep going. The effort that you put towards doing our best as a parent, worker, community member and everything you do is what makes things happen in life. You have to fail at some things in order to learn endurance, to learn new skills, to develop new strategies, to master yourself and to improve. Instead of luck, I would say it is the role of help. Helping myself by allowing myself to receive assistance and support from others, working with others, being willing to grow, and believing in God, myself, the vision and my all the people I work with and for in this world.

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Image Credits:

Photos by Edward Jones Photography, Savon McCoy of In The Street Toys, Tony Jamez Kinion of RIMM and Acquilla Faye, LLC

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