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Life & Work with Jamal Douce

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jamal Douce.

Hi Jamal, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
My uncle Lambert actually gave me a film camera when I was nine years old. Photography has always been a second love of mine. I have been playing basketball since I was four years old so that was always my first love and main passion. As I got older, I wanted to take photography more seriously, so I decided to get a professional camera back in 2012. I remember it was a canon t3 rebel. That was my baby, lol. I got to where I am today by persistence and just challenging myself to try things that suited me as an artist and business person. When you do photography professionally, you have to figure out what works for you, what you love doing the most, and then figure out ways to make a living out of it. Me personally, it was shooting shows/celebs, doing portraits and brands. I was told no a lot of times until I got the right opportunity to shoot shows and that one chance changed my life and I never looked back.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Absolutely…Not! lol. Being a business owner and a freelancer isn’t easy. There’s been a lot of hot and cold moments. It’ll be times where you’ll get booked nonstop and it’ll be times where you won’t get booked at all for a while. Eventually, you’ll hit a median, but the process to get there isn’t pretty and that’s where a lot of people give up. Also going to be told ” No” a lot and people dictating your worth. Never fold, keep working hard.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I do photography for a living and also run a lifestyle brand business named Dreamers & Achievers.

As far as photography goes, I specialize in portraits & concerts. I’m known for my unorthodox style and ” moody style’ portraits. I’m most proud of never giving up. My proudest moment has to be shooting for Ghostface Killah’s show. I’ll never forget that whole experience from start to finish. What sets me apart from others is my hustle, my drive, my ambition. There’s always going to be someone who might be better than you at something, but one thing people can’t do better than you is outwork you. Your work ethic and the choices you make can always put you ahead. My never quit mentality is what helps me be ME.

How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
People can work with me by shooting me an email. I check DMs on my social media here and there as well. I’m always open to growing. I feel like when it comes to collabs, it has to make sense for both parties when doing collaborative work. Elevation should always be the goal. The best way to support me is to just show love. Like, comment, share, and if you see me in person just tap me and I’ll show the same love back,

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