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Meet Patrice Hudson

Today we’d like to introduce you to Patrice “Hudson”.

Hi Patrice, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hi everyone my name is Patrice “Hudson”. I was born in California. I am a adopted child. It all started when I was a little girl being in different foster homes. I thought I was the only child. But when I went to my fifth home my social worker told me that I had a brother. That day I was so excited. Hearing that I was not the only child anymore made me so happy. On top of that he was older than me. In my mind as a little girl just receiving the good news about having a sibling that I can look up to and admire was exciting for me. Everywhere he went I wanted to go. You couldn’t have separated us at all once we were together. In 2004 my brother and I was adopted. We was so happy to finally be with a family that we can call family. After a while of being with our adoptive parents they was great until things went left. I was getting hit on and my brother. I knew something was wrong at the time. But I just thought maybe it was something else. We wanted to be with a family. But as we got older the hitting got worse. My brother got in trouble in school trying to find his way of life. Instead he was lashing out and started to hurt other children because of what we been through. When my brother was in his teens he was getting kicked out of the house multiple times. They tried to put him in therapy but I guess it didn’t work. Then later on in his 20’s he had a family. In 2018 I lost my brother in a car accident. He was my only blood brother that I knew, and that would stick up for me. We was adopted together and I thought that maybe we will always stay together. When I found out he pass away it was very difficult for me. But believing in God, he helps me with the loss of my brother. Even when our adoptive parent was yelling at me and trying to hurt me he would put himself in the situation to protect me. At the age of 20 years old God had placed me in a situation that I had people supporting me after I reached out to them because honestly I didn’t come to the realization that I was being abused, until it clicked in my mind and dealing with what my adoptive parent was doing to me it wasn’t right, and nobody should be treated in this manner. So yes, I’m not ashamed to talk about my story and yes I was adopted and being abused. But of all that I graduated high school, I have my driver’s license, I’m in college right now going to Phoenix University getting my associate’s degree in technology information. I am seeking and searching to find my biological mother and my family to get some answers on life. It has been a hard journey, but I know without God I don’t know where would I be. I am a web designer/developer. My ambition is to become a photographer with my own business. I know with all this I am going to be successful and I am gonna tell my story and I don’t want any young kids or teenagers to realize that they are getting abused and that you don’t have to stay there. Find someone, seek help.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
My struggle was speaking up for myself. So just allowing other children or teenagers to speak up for themselves, listen to their minds and listen to their heart. I was never heard until I actually spoke up to someone else about my situation and I have faith in God.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am creative with my hands. I design websites and create websites.  Also, I do social media strategies on Instagram to help people get more followers.
If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Growing up I was involved in a lot of activities such as running track, basketball, soccer, jump rope & double touching. I was more into athletic things. Playing games like the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and 3, Wii and playing with my friends and especially my brother. Doing TikTok & instagram model

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Image Credits
1. Me taking picture and video 2.Websites that I have developed and created 3. me modeling 4. A picture I taking for A Young Man

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