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Daily Inspiration: Meet Brittani Glover

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brittani Glover.

Hi Brittani, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
How did I get started? Hmmm…..well, my grandmother always said I should model because I was photogenic and was the most beautiful baby. Now, it took me years to come to terms with that fact that Modeling was something I could really do. Mainly because you see models but it just never occurred to me that I could be idolized, used for art, or marketing. One day, after, building my self-love and confidence back once fleeing an abusive relationship, I said why not me?

I then just decided to do it! I went to castings, I networked with photographers for TFP shoots, competed in fashion week top Model Competition, and began working on my craft. I practiced posing, walking, and styling!

December 2021 I put moving to Atlanta, expanding my brand, and establishing a social media presence on my vision board. I moved in February 2022 and have been showing up for me every day! I have about 32k in counting on TikTok, monetized Facebook, and redesigned my website

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
A smooth road? Oh goodness, no it has been a crazy one…But God! When I say I have been KEPT! Listen.

I have built myself from absolutely zero, granted I am still building however when I look at all I have accomplished in a short period of time I give myself grace, appreciation, and gratitude.

I think the biggest struggle or obstacle is the same for all of us, the unknown. I mean that’s the fear that keeps us from chasing dreams, growing, or trying new things…

I learned faith is believing that whatever the Unknown is….it is for my good whether to better me, accomplish my goals, or walk in my purpose. I also learned to take it a step further and understand that switching my perspective is exercising my faith!

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a model, I am a healing influencer, and I am a Confidence and Perspective coach. You might say what is a healing influencer…well, I built my platform primarily to encourage growth and healing. I share my stories, my tips, my process, and inspirations to help influence people to either begin or continue their journey. I also aid in the understanding and process of changing one’s perspective.

Honestly, everything ties in together, modeling just shows off the product of me showing up for myself! I do it for me and for everyone like me!

I will break through in the industry, I will change how models are treated, and I will open up lanes for girls like me! That’s what I will be most proud of! So ask me again once I accomplish that.

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Bring true to myself. As a model, showing up as yourself is harder than you think especially in runway. You’re supposed to follow instructions, you won’t always like the clothing designs, the hair or the makeup, and you are made to feel like you should just suck it up and do what you are told.

But what is hilarious about that is that you are chosen for a reason, for your individuality. So it is a battle for me sometimes on whether I should do me or strictly what I’m told although I know I can make it better

What is crazy is that In instances where I just did what I was told I later was advised that I should’ve did me. The times when I made an executive decision everyone was extremely happy with the outcome.

That said, I will always be true to me! To be honest that is the only way to reach the level of success I want. I have to present the world something different, something they have never had before….ME!


  • $75/hr Studio sessions
  • Studio/ Model booking : $100/hr
  • Confidence coach : $75/hr

Contact Info:

Image Credits
P3culiar Photography – Veronzo Hurd Brionna Glover

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