Today we’d like to introduce you to Nancy Tucker.
Nancy, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Married with two children, my husband passed away from cancer. At 37 years old and two children ages 13 and 10, I found myself in a new world as a single mother. A few years later I was asked to teach a Bible study for Single moms at my church and started that to just provide fellowship for other single moms. Having just remarried, I didn’t plan for this to be a permanent part of my life but 22 years later, I am still teaching this class. About 10 years into it I was completely frustrated with the lack of resources available for single moms and widows in our community, especially in the area of affordable, safe housing and childcare, among other things. In 2011 I decided to pursue a non-profit that would provide supportive transitional housing for single moms with minor children. My heart’s desire is to see these precious moms dream again and succeed. We have since 2013, provided housing and supportive services and mentoring for almost 30 families. It is a two years intentional program that attempts to help single moms become self-sustaining and lean on the Lord Jesus, and be able to care for their children, thus changing the next generation as well.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It has not always been a smooth road. When getting started 10 years ago we had to fundraise…get our message and mission out there so that the bills could be paid! Getting staffing and aligning ourselves with the resources and partners along the way has been challenging but overall we have been greatly blessed! Our families also come with their own challenges and not everyone who comes to us desires to make the changes in their lives that are necessary. There have been difficulties, but also great successes when a mom discovers that this is the opportunity for them to put in the work and effort to change their lives while being housed in a secure place.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
Not only the founder but Director of Family Services for Serenade Heights, I am probably best known for being a connector or a networker. I love finding the resources in our community that our families need and making partners with them, and even connecting other organizations to each other. I have an empathetic heart and have spent most of my life encouraging others to be the best that they can be. Our Workshops for Single moms that are open to the community of single moms in our area, is probably one of my favorite parts of what we do. I am able to use my resources to come in and teach life skills as well as encourage and lift up and love on the moms that come. It provides much-needed support and friendship for these single mothers who tend to isolate themselves. No one else is doing this in our area, that I’m aware of.
Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
I am not a big risk taker…except in the area of starting a non-profit org! I believe that God prompted me to do this because of the story that He made of my life. I knew that He was behind and with me, so it was easier to take the risk. There are other times that we have had to trust and take risks with the program, trust the money would come in to pay the rent, bills for these families, pay for payroll, and just add new programs and staffing. As we prepare for our next 5 years we are looking at taking some big risks as we hope to build our own housing facilities but we know that God will prepare our way if we are supposed to go there!
Contact Info:
- Website: www.serenadeheights.org
- Instagram: @serenadeheights
- Facebook: Serenade Heights
- Twitter: @HeightsSerenade