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Conversations with Dr. Pamela Hillman

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Pamela Hillman.

Hi Dr. Hillman, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I was raised in a dysfunctional home where my mom was a playboy bunny and my dad played steel guitar with Elvis and came back from the military a full-blown alcoholic.

We went to my Christian grandmother and grandfather’s farmhouse on 100 acres quite often, where Jesus was instilled within me at age five. I loved going there! A pastor laid his hands on me one day with an impartation of “This one here is special; she’s going to do great things for God one day”. That doesn’t mean much to a 5-year-old at that time but deemed to be very important throughout my life.

At age six, my dad tried sexual things with my sister and I, so my mom threw him out of the house. But the damage was already done. The abuses continued at age nine, and on, with an uncle and a godfather who was anything but a godly godfather! The anger and pain grew so deep that once I discovered one puff of marijuana and the experience of it taking me “somewhere else”, other than “stuck” upstairs in the bedroom ragging with every touch, I was hooked!

It took me down the road of hallucinogens and other drugs, then to cocaine and alcohol for 35 years to escape all the experiences of kidnappings with many choking and rapes, the many beatings and bite marks, the many car wrecks where the driver fell asleep and I went through the windshield and had a sliced esophagus and face that looked like hamburger meat and was molded for a body cast once, along the many guns put in my mouth and at my head, even with a shotgun being shot at me and it made a complete circle around me and in the chair, I was sitting in with the picture overhead shattering. I was in the hospital three times for a failed liver due to too much cocaine and alcohol, even in the critical ward with the dying patients and given only six months to live. And so many more tragedies that happened to me, which will be in my book called, “See ME Free”, From the Confrontation Within. But even through all the mess I was in and became, I still loved Jesus and would call out to Him. I would hear the pastors’ words spoken over me as a child and a voice saying, “Get out! You don’t belong here”. I would run and something horrible would happen to the house or people where I was. God is amazing!

I was in and out of jail since I was 30 years old and finally sent to prison at 48 years old for yet another charge of cocaine and crack. I was sentenced to 5 to do 3 and served 18 months. I might add, my birthday is Dec 18, I served 18 months and got out on Nov 18, 2011.

While I was in prison, I surrendered my entire life back to Christ Jesus and started hearing God’s voice and getting downloads through the Word of God. I became very joyful and happy, always singing and skipping and smiling. One day one of the women said, “How can you be so happy, you’re in prison!?” I tapped my head and said, “I’m no longer in prison, I was in prison out there!” They continued to ask questions and wanted to know what I was doing to be so free, so I started telling them about the mirror imaging and speaking .to yourself, about the memorization of scripture, about the discipline techniques to be able to study 2 hours a day and also workout for 2 hours every day.

They didn’t know how to pray, and they asked me, “How do you pray?”, and the Lord had taught me to pray the Word of God because it does not return to us void. So, I created a Prayer sheet for them, then I created a Faith sheet and I AM sheet, Anointing sheets, Declaration sheets and many other things and started distributing these throughout the prison. Then I started getting requests from other prisons and families for these powerful sheets. I had someone on the outside type them up and send them back to me on beautiful butterfly paper and other paper and quantities. They would continue to come to my room with questions, so I started a class called “Daughters of Zion, women of God using your time wisely”. I wrote the mission statement on 10-10-10 and started the ministry, Chebar Ministries, while in prison.

Once I was released and settled in my new place of residence, then started working for an engineering company and was there four years, also working on my curriculum that I started while in prison.

The “I See ME Free” Program is to empower, train and equip the incarcerated and ‘Returning Citizens’ coming out of prison to restore and reconcile them to their families, living a new lifestyle and giving back to society. We help break the cycles of limiting wrong beliefs.

Dr. Pamela Hillman is founding President and CEO of LifeChangers Legacy, Chebar Ministries Inc., a 501c3 non-profit prison and community-based ministry that helps women and men, incarcerated and ‘returning citizens’ from the revolving doors of the prison systems nationally and internationally in 40 prisons, since 2012.

This organization is designed to break the cycle of wrong thought patterns of those in and coming out of jails, prisons, and difficult circumstances. We empower women and men and their families by providing the tools necessary to equip and achieve personal growth, health and wellness, family restoration, financial independence and good stewardship with job assessment and placements through a strong spiritual foundation of continual education.

We provide full wrap-around services with a staffing company, lawn and landscape company, cleaning services, moving company, computer and technical training, soft-skills, counseling and coaching, with a focus on spiritual discipleship and health and wellness protocols,

We help replace wrong thinking, emotional patterns, and limited beliefs into healthy, effective strong beliefs and thriving mindsets and destiny identities through our customized curriculum. Our “I See ME Free” Incentive Mentorship Program is a one-to-one 12–18-month proven research-evaluated, evidence-based, best-practices, Therapeutic Interventions of the TREM-Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model, Cognitive Behavior, Critical Thinking, Criminal Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Stages of Change combined with Biblical Specialties program developed by Dr. Pamela Hillman. This includes interactive workbook learning and weekly mentor support and is applied from the convenience of the mentor’s home via email and video visits.

Dr. Pamela Hillman is a national speaker and writer with a passion to serve everyone at any time, to reach one, teach one, and keep one and all for Christ. She is happily married to her wonderful husband, Os Hillman of MarketPlace Leaders Ministry, Today God Is First – TGIF, speaker and writer of 24 books, with their four beautiful dogs, and lives in Cumming, GA. She is a mother of two wonderful adult men and three grandchildren and is a godmother to the many lives she has touched and relationships throughout the world.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We are known for our unique program with our “I See ME Free” 4 Phase curriculum that we send into each person who requests and we provide a mentor for each. We offer an incentive package after each completion of each workbook with a certification. We offer the best possible second chance for those coming out of challenging circumstances with full wraparound services to provide a successful path to help fulfill their God-given purposes and plans.

What do you like and dislike about the city?
I was born in Atlanta in 1962 and have been to so many other states and countries, but there is no place like Georgia. You can go to any area of Georgia and see so much beauty, so many amazing trees and animals, and many of the people are so kind and want to help you.

The city and different areas are always doing construction so traffic gets really bad at times.


  • Workbooks $29
  • PDF Workbooks $15

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Image Credits
TBN Atlanta Live -5 times GodTV Case for Christ DestinyX TV 700 Club CBN

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