Today we’d like to introduce you to Dionna Bright.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I grew up taking photos. My sister was into fashion and we both loved watching America’s Next Top Model. Growing up pretty secluded in the deep country we created together; her modeling in quirky, fun outfits and me snapping her photos. As a kid, I never envisioned myself as a photographer rather, I viewed it as a hobby. I picked it back up in 2017 professionally and in 2020, while continuing to serve clients, I began incorporating more of my creativity. Similar to how my sister and I did many years ago. Now I serve my clients while also focusing on creating art, special passion projects and community engagement work. I recently hosted my first exhibition in Charlotte, NC entitled SIGNS. A year-long photographic series highlighting each of the SIGNS of the Zodiac; beginning with Aries in 2022 and ending with Pisces in 2023. This series was similar to an America’s Next Top Model episode that my sister and I watched as a kid. The opening night of my exhibition was May 20, 2023 and this project and exhibition has been in homage to the creativity, playfulness, expression and connection that I shared with my sister, in addition to bringing me back to the things that matter most. Creativity, Authenticity and Connection.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Burn-out. When I first began photography in 2017, after not having picked up a camera since childhood, I only looked at it as a source of additional income. It soon became to feel like a job rather than something I enjoyed or felt a connection with. Once I incorporated the creativity back into my work and began doing separate projects outside of serving clients, this made space for my passion to reignite.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
My portrait photography is vibrant, authentic and light-filled. Not only do I serve wonderful clients in Charlotte, North Carolina with creative ideas and photoshoots incorporating major intentions, themes and props but I am also a Self-Portrait Artist.
My professional photography journey began in 2017 when I began shooting graduate students part-time. Since a lot of my work at the time was client and income-focused I began feeling burn-out pretty soon into my professional career. In 2019, when I was ready to put the camera down, I met some creatives who re-introduced creating, connecting and collaborating simply for fun. That was the breath that encouraged my transition into Creative Portraiture and Self-Portrait Art.
I began capturing self-portraits at the beginning of the Covid pandemic in 2020 and realized quickly that it was a direct path to my personal healing and self-expression. To this day, I’ve created over 100 self-portraits and have been in 1 Art Fair, 4 Exhibitions and hosted my first Solo Exhibition on May 20, 2023.
I am most proud of my special projects (Self-Portrait Photography Workshops and SIGNS Photographic Series) that have allowed me to engage the Charlotte community and connect with so many people.
What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Curiosity, Authenticity
Something about growing into adulthood makes you lose a bit of that childlike wonder, authenticity and excitement to connect. Life gets a bit tougher, bills need to be paid, our loved ones pass away, etc… My community, clients, collaborators and models are all stars in my eyes. A photoshoot with me is a light-filled, vibrant experience of connection, love, light and authenticity. Success to me, is everyone I’m working with not only loving their photos but loving the full experience of conceptualizing, planning and executing their vision with me.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.dionnabrightphotography.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dionna_bright/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dionnabright/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvW_gGTtvVH_d4T3AD7SrCA
Image Credits
Models: Scorpio – Jasmine Vines Gemini – Nori Webb, Rianna Allen Cancer – Jahnai Easter