Today we’d like to introduce you to Evelyn Charley.
Evelyn, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Growing up surrounded by healthcare professionals, including CNAs, mental health assistants, and nurses, instilled in me an early fascination with the medical field. While I wasn’t quite sure what my future held, I knew I’d find my path within it.
As I matured, I became increasingly aware of the alarming rise in maternal mortality rates, particularly among Black women. These sobering statistics hit close to home as I witnessed family members struggle with conception, endure the heartbreak of infertility, and tragically lose their lives after childbirth. Being a Black woman myself, I felt a deep calling to specialize in nursing, not only to advocate for patients but also to educate and empower those around me. Embracing this calling has been incredibly fulfilling, reaffirming my belief that I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
In addition to my nursing career, I am also the owner of Charley&Co., a new small business that specializes in minimalist cement candle holders designed to complement any decor style. I love home decor, particularly items that blend functionality and beauty. There’s something incredibly satisfying about designing pieces that not only enhance the aesthetic of a space but also serve a practical purpose. Running Charley & Co. serves as a necessary balance to the intensity of my role in labor and delivery. It provides a creative outlet that helps me decompress and recharge amidst the demands of healthcare.
I cannot wait to see the growth and opportunities that lie ahead, both in my professional journey as a nurse and as a businesswoman! With each passing day, I’m inspired to make a meaningful impact and carve out a brighter tomorrow for myself and those I care for.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Both nursing and entrepreneurship have brought on unique challenges, each demanding resilience and determination.
Attending an accelerated nursing program tested me repeatedly. Juggling rigorous coursework, constant exams, clinical rotations, and a part-time job left me with little to no time for myself. There were many moments of exhaustion and doubt where I questioned the path I had chosen. Thankfully, I couldn’t ask for a better support system to lean on time and time again!
Nursing, particularly in the dynamic specialty of labor and delivery, remains a constant source of challenge. You never know what kind of day you’re walking into. A shift can easily go from excitement to stress or from sadness to serenity. Yet, amidst the unpredictability, the opportunity to advocate for patients during the pivotal moments of childbirth makes every trial worthwhile.
As the first entrepreneur in my family, the biggest challenge was navigating the unfamiliar business world. Marketing and launching a unique product proved daunting, especially without prior experience to guide me. While social media offered a wealth of advice and tools, the never-ending information felt overwhelming at times. Starting from scratch was undeniably difficult, yet with persistence, I’m gradually finding my footing, making each step forward a testament to resilience and growth.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
By day, I’m a devoted labor and delivery nurse, guiding my patients through the incredible journey of childbirth. From the initial stages of labor to the triumphant moment of delivery, I’m there every step of the way, ensuring their comfort and safety. Whether it’s administering medication, adjusting positions for optimal progress, or swiftly responding to emergencies like STAT C-sections, no two shifts are alike, and the unpredictability keeps me on my toes.
When I am not at the bedside, my role transforms into that of a small business owner. With my own venture, I’m the captain of the ship, overseeing every aspect, from product design to customer service. From sourcing materials to crafting marketing strategies, I’m hands-on in every aspect of the business. This level of control allows me to bring my vision to life, ensuring each product meets the highest standards of quality. It’s a demanding balancing act, but the opportunity to pursue my passion and deliver excellence with every order makes it all worth it!
We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up.
One of the most cherished memories from my childhood revolves around an unforgettable surprise orchestrated by my parents. Leading up to the big reveal, they disguised our destination as Wisconsin, which had my siblings and I bubbling with excitement despite not knowing much about the place.
Then, on the morning of what we thought was a road trip to Wisconsin, my mother dropped the bombshell that we weren’t going anymore. Just as disappointment started to set in, my dad casually disclosed the real plan: Disney World in Florida! Joy and tears from my siblings and me echoed through the house. It marked our first real family vacation, and the anticipation was indescribable.
For a blissful week, we lived in a beautiful timeshare, exploring the enchanting realms of Disney parks and Universal Studios. Every moment was a treasure, from riding rollercoasters with my dad to capturing the memories on a film camera. It was a surprise beyond compare that I will cherish forever.
As I grew older, I began to understand the immense effort and sacrifice my parents made to make that dream vacation a reality for us. Their hard work and love fueled that unforgettable experience. I cannot wait for the day when I can create similar magical moments for my own children, carrying forward the legacy of love and joy my parents gave us.
- $35 Single Candle Coaster
- $65 Bundle Set of 2
Contact Info:
- Website: shopcharleyandco.com
- Instagram: @charleyandco.store
Image Credits
Hannah Lozano Photography
UV Lifestyle Photos