Today we’d like to introduce you to Nelson L. Moody Sr.
Hi Nelson, so excited to have you on the platform. So, before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today.
Hello, raised up fatherless; I made a promise and vow to God and myself that when I start having children, they would not grow up fatherless. I started a TALKSHOW on YouTube called “Internationalfathers Talk Show” on June 18, 2009. My show talks about the positive about fathers no matter what color, race, religion, wealth, or educational status. My vision of what I do is to bridge as many fathers and their children as possible using my social media platforms. Telling positive stories about fathers and their children is what my work is all about. I went on to writing six books about fatherhood.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Starting off, it was a little challenging, but once I got into it, nothing stopped me from the ultimate when it came down to my work, which was to have my social media talk show turned into a national television talk show. This show would highlight the positive attributes that a father pass on to his children. This television show will also bridge those fathers who are not in the lives of their children through unfortunate circumstances. This television talk show would also honor and salute fathers who are in their children’s lives. This television talk show will also empower fathers to be better Fathers to their children.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Currently, I’m in the custodial field. My background is ex military, law enforcement, and security. What would set me apart from others is the willingness to be an example to others. Using my intelligence when needed is normal for me. I’m a people’s person who loves good conversations. I’m most proud of my gift in writing.
Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
Learning from life’s experiences and or knowing someone who has been through what I went through as a way to assist me in navigating through some tough and turbulent times in my life. The “bad luck” is when someone tell you that they support and back you, then walk away from you. The other ” bad luck ” is when someone could know someone who could assist you to the next level, but don’t introduce because you just might get more than them, and they would not like you to win like you could if they just made the introduction. I can pitch my own work; I just need an introduction.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.Internationalfathers.com
- Instagram: Nelsonlmoodysr
- Facebook: Nelsonlmoodysr
- Linkedin: Nelsonlmoodysr
- Twitter: Intfathers
- Youtube: Internationalfathers talkshow
- Other: TikTok @NelsonLMoodySr