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Conversations with Kady Morgan

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kady Morgan

Hi Kady, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Sometimes we don’t choose the path our story will take, it chooses us. When it does, it can offer the most fulfilling, yet unexpected rewards. My story is unique, and as a Shamanic Healer I am walking a path many find mysterious and unknown.

I was born in Narragansett, Rhode Island, a tiny town along the ocean. I loved growing up by the water and learned to surf in middle school. It was a passion of mine that continues to be a potent metaphor in my life for the many waves that life brings, both challenging and divine!

My healing journey started young out of necessity as I had many waves of trauma throughout my childhood. I began to learn about my health during my ten year journey with Chronic Lyme disease. I learned about healing the soul after experiences of abuse. When a close friend of mine was diagnosed with Leukemia in college, I began to learn about herbalism as a way to naturally heal the body.

After my friend’s passing, I was living in Los Angeles as an artist and I felt as though I living in a city that did not feel like home. I felt aimless, and in a moment of desperation I prayed for a direction and to find my purpose.

Surprisingly, within a few hours there was a knock on my screen door. A neighbor appeared who I hadn’t met yet. She introduced herself and without prompting asked, “Have you ever thought about shamanism?”

It was wholly unexpected. She explained that she had felt the urge to stop at my apartment because she had an intuitive nudge. It felt like shamanism was a higher calling—a literal knock on the door from the realm of spirit inviting my onto a path of becoming that I had never considered. It felt like the answer to my prayer.

Though Shamanism felt unknown and mysterious, my pre-existing knowledge of herbalism fed naturally into this path. I began to train with my first teacher (of many) and was initiated into the shamanic lineage that I carry and work with today. Many experiences and amazing teachers inspired and encouraged me to deepen my connection to my spiritual gifts and to find my purpose within them.

As my path was born out of numerous traumatic experiences, I tend to specialize in supporting clients who are navigating through waves of complex trauma, chronic illness, or need additional support with ptsd/cptsd. Additionally, most people carry patterns of behavior and outdated belief systems or stories that do not allow them to heal or grow. Shamanic work addresses the root cause of underlying patterns that are unconsciously sabotaging an individual.

Over the last 15 years I have studied, trained, taught, and healed myself and others. I have lived many places—Boston, Los Angeles, the Netherlands, Asheville, and Georgia—and have cultivated many communities along the way, helping thousands of people find a greater alignment, healing, and purpose.

Despite many years as a full-time healer in service to many communities, it feels as though I have only just begun! I am constantly in awe of the path that has chosen me. The work that I do with clients both locally, as well as around the world on Zoom, is inspiring, humbling, and profound. It’s an honor to help people navigate through these outdated beliefs and into wellness!

I am constantly proud of the work my clients do in resolving the trauma they have carried over lifetimes and hope to be of shamanic service for the rest of my life.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The road to becoming is never smooth, but it’s always full of beautiful lessons that bring us into higher levels of awareness.

The lotus first begins its journey in the mud. Through the darkness and the challenges it rises through the water towards the light to become the blossom that so many admire. Seeing the beauty, we often forget the obstacles that had to be overcome along the way. Our paths as humans follow this journey, too. We all have been in the mud, we all have the ability to blossom despite it. In fact, sometimes it’s because of the challenges that we’re able to bloom most radiantly.

My first teacher once told me, “if you don’t move yourself into alignment, the universe is going to move you. But you may not like how the universe does it!” That phrase has always stuck with me. I have experienced many setbacks along the shamanic path as well as many profound and radiant moments of growth as a result. Sometimes I have moved myself, sometimes the universe has moved me. I am thankful for the many lessons despite the challenges. 

Shamanism is a path of integrity. It requires a deep commitment to the spiritual calling and the responsibilities that come with supporting others through some of their deepest wounds. The shamanic path is not one for the faint of heart. It requires you to sacrifice anything that holds you back from walking in integrity—behaviors, patterns, beliefs, jobs, relationships, or otherwise. I have lived this many times over.

We cannot live within the mud and help others out of it. Sometimes it has felt like I had to give up everything in order to clear away the debris that was holding me back from being in my highest alignment and integrity. It has always been worth it and continually deepens my commitment to the path.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am incredibly proud of the work that I do as a healer. Every day it humbles me to have been called into this work and to be of service. It’s deeply fulfilling to support my clients in finding balance, purpose, and healing.

Shamanic healing encompasses many deeper types of healing work that are designed to uplift the spirit, reintegrate unhealed or traumatized soul pieces, and clear any imprints of trauma that may have become attached to the body or energy field. Shamanism works with subtle energy in and around the body to heal mental, emotional, and physical illness.

When emotions or mental patterns become stuck within our energetic field, they begin to manifest as physical imbalance and distress within the body. Over a long period of time this can even result in chronic illness or various autoimmune diseases. I am skilled at tracking the root cause of physical, emotional, or spiritual distress that may be unconsciously sabotaging the body’s ability to heal. Through the application of energetic techniques, I support my clients holistically by balancing the many layers of the body, mind, and soul. 

I am known for my specialization in being able to address underlying trauma and illness that has not been resolved with allopathic medicine or traditional talk therapies. I work with many therapists locally and long distance who refer their clients to me because they are unable to resolve a particular traumatic experience or wounding and need additional support. 

I am especially skilled at healing trauma long held within the nervous system which may be hindering and disempowering my client’s daily experience. I’m passionate about assisting anyone who is ready to reclaim and transform their story out of trauma and into empowerment. My highest hope is that the time shared in session will ultimately assist in the highest growth out of old patterns and into vibrant wellness!

Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
Shamanism is one of the most ancient professions on the planet and spans virtually every culture. However in our modern age, the concepts and teachings are often misunderstood. Where societies once relied upon those who could access information beyond the physical in order to maintain harmony between communities, the earth, and within individuals, our highly mechanistic cultures no longer value these services as they once did.

Moreover, most people associate shamanism with a wizened healer adorned in feathers, living in the jungle. While certainly there are many healers who do live and heal in this way in various parts of the world, many individuals who are trained in these skills blend into the societies and communities they work within.

Modern shamanism functions much as it always has for the last 40,000 years, acting as a conscious conduit between the physical and non physical on behalf of the communities it serves. Despite how ancient this work is, it tends to be something that isn’t often acknowledged or spoken about. Yet the principles of healing through shamanism are even more necessary in our dizzying technological world. 

I spent 6.5 years training with multiple teachers after my calling into service and continue to train with teachers today. Despite healing within my community for the last 15 years, the art of shamanism requires continual training as there is infinite wisdom to learn. Every teacher I have trained with has deepened my connection to my abilities and understanding of what can be healed within self and others. I feel that I’m only just beginning to scratch the surface of what can be known.

There are many teachers around the world, all with different lineages of shamanic practices and teachings. If someone is interested in studying shamanism I recommend connecting to a lineage specifically that resonates with you—whether it called you into service or it is a part of your own ancestral heritage.

A perspective held by many cultures around the world is that Shamanism should call an individual into service, whether through various initiations or a spiritual “knock on the door” like I experienced. When the spirit world calls you into the work, it is for a higher purpose and sometimes one that the individual did not anticipate. This shouldn’t however discourage anyone from pursuing the richness of shamanism if they wish to live within the principles of integrity and deepen their connection to the path.

Understand that some lineages are rightfully closed practices, like many indigenous teachings of North America. These are closed to outside study unless one is a part of the indigenous community. This should always be held with deep respect as many lineages are culturally appropriated and there is a lot of harm that is perpetuated by studying a lineage that is not one’s ancestral heritage. However there are many lineages that are open practices, offered freely to both indigenous and non indigenous practitioners. As long as you approach a teacher with authenticity and humility you will likely find that you are welcome to study.


  • $100 for a 45 minute session
  • $125 for a 60 minute session
  • $150 for a 75 minute session
  • $175 for a 90 minute session

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Image Credits
Elicia Miller, Corrina Porterfield

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