Today we’d like to introduce you to Helena Dale.
Hi Helena, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Well, I thank you so much for having me and giving me the opportunity to share my story. I host monthly barn sales…..selling old, new and gathered goods. My journey began through working at my family business. My father owned a metal recycling company and every day I would see all of this awesome old stuff come through to be crushed and/or recycled. So I got this crazy idea to start rummaging through the scrap pile every day. I would bring items home and before I knew it, I had amassed a barn full of treasures.
At the time, I never had the thought of reselling anything. It was all items I loved and would use around our house, barn and gardens for decorating. But I soon realized that I had a little more than what I needed. And that is when I started thinking about holding a barn sale. I knew I couldn’t be the only person that loved all this rusty stuff. So in March of 2013, I held my very first sale. It was freezing cold, we actually had snow flurries that morning. But despite the weather, we had an unbelievable weekend. I continued to hold sales at my house for 1 year. But we soon outgrew my backyard and searched for a bigger place. I’ve been at my current location now for 8 years. But as we continued to grow, there was another need for more space. In August of this year, we bought a 28-acre farm, which we will be relocating to in the Spring of 2022. With this move, we now have room to include so many other activities that I have been dreaming of implementing to my sales. We’re very excited to say the least.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Being self employed is a mixture of struggles and success. I’ve actually had a couple of businesses prior to this. Both failed for many reasons. But mainly because I thought everything had to be perfect from the beginning. So with this business, I took a completely different approach. Being patient and making it work with what I had. Has it been easy….heck no. I work in a barn without central heat and air. My storage room is an old box truck we salvaged from the junkyard. For the first couple of years, my sink was a water hose with a plastic table. And I could go on with many more situations alike, but I think you get the picture. I’ve said many times, we often confuse perfection with success.
By me taking my time, experiencing growing pains and making many mistakes. It has given me self gratitude and the confidence to take the next step in my business. The future home of H&H Homestead will have heat and air, a storage room, indoor plumbing, work sinks and much more. But without that bumpy road behind me, the 28 acre farm would have never been purchased. The past 8 years……I’ve worked very hard, I absolutely love what I do, I’ve met and made so many friends and I couldn’t be happier or more excited about the future. So for me, that is success. Not perfect, but successful.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
I host monthly barn sales along with 2 antique markets each year. Our monthly sales are comprised with my barn and a cute little village of 6 additional shops. We scour the countryside finding antiques, vintage treasures and gathered goods. We bring them back and fill up our barns and buildings. We open up the 3rd weekend of each month, selling all of our finds and creations. Even though my business has grown in inventory, I’m mostly known for my junk picking yard. It’s my grassroots and it will stay with me forever. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
My 2 antique markets are sooooo much fun. We bring in an additional 100 vendors to share in the shopping experience. We have food trucks, music and special activities for the season. Our Christmas market features Santa!!!!! We hold these markets in May and November.
Once we’re relocated to the new place, I have so many other activities that I will be adding to our sales and markets.
Alright, so to wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
I am a huge supporter of shopping small. It’s one of the reasons I love what I do. I’m able to give other small businesses a place to create and sell their goods. I encourage everyone to support their communities, towns and neighbors. Whenever possible….always shop small!
Contact Info:
- Email: hdale@windstream.net
- Website: www.hhhomestead.com
- Instagram: h_hhomestead
- Facebook: H&H Homestead
Image Credits
Rachel Parsons Photography