Today we’d like to introduce you to Marilyn Marie Dabney
Hi Marilyn, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Hello, thanks for having me. My name is Marilyn Marie Dabney. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. In 2006 I moved to Charlotte, NC and lived there for over 12 years. I moved to Atlanta in the beginning of 2019, not because I wanted to but because I believe that’s where God told me to go. So, I moved to Atlanta to advance my Acting career. I was so excited because I just knew I was going to hit the ground running and become this famous movie star I’ve always dreamt of becoming. Why wouldn’t I? I obeyed God, right? Wrong. I actually ended up doing some extra background/stand in work for a lot of tv shows and movies. Although, I met so great people on set, it was not what I envisioned. It’s funny how the saying goes, “if you want God to laugh, tell Him your plans.” It was a tough first year for me and I started to question God. Because it was His “idea” for me to leave my good job, family and Church home. However, I joined a wonderful church, The Dream Center Church of Atlanta with Bishop William Murphy III and Pastor Danielle Murphy. My Bishop taught a series about “whatever you need, is in your house” and that made me think. Rewind back years prior I recall dealing with depression, trauma from experiencing death in my family and being in a toxic relationship. I ended up going to couples counseling and individual counseling at my church at that time; New Beginnings Church in Matthews North Carolina with Rev. Dr, Michael L. Henderson and Rev. First Lady Twanna Henderson. It was in counseling that I’ve discovered myself, who I really was and not me being who everyone else wanted me to be. Needless to say, I got out of the toxic relationship and I began to heal. I was so excited about my experience that I got certified as a Lay Counselor in 2016 and became one of the counselors at my church. Prior to my certification, I already received training in substance abuse, suicide prevention and was a Mentor for the Youth Offenders at the Mecklenburg County jail. I had all of this experience and didn’t realize it was a part of God’s plan for me all along. By moving to Atlanta, I was able to be connected with the right people, I finished school and receive my Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Counseling, certifications in Christian Counseling and Life Coaching at Higher Place Christian University and The Life Mastery School. I started my own Christian Counseling/ Life Coaching business, Courageous SELFcare Specialists, LLC and a nonprofit Courageous SELFcare Foundation, Inc. I still have the passion for acting and will continue to pursue it. However, I want to be known as a Trusted Counselor, Life Mastery Coach and Motivational Speaker who also Acts. I know everyone has their journey and story; a huge part of mine is to help people overcome depression, reconcile marriages, and help people see who God called them to be. To encourage others to live the life God intended for them. To teach others how to master life, not allowing it to master them!
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Trusting God was the biggest thing I had to do because I moved to Atlanta with no job, no home or direction. I had to live with one of my closest friend’s mom and do extra/background work. I eventually exhausted all of my savings and started questioning God. Although my plans were to become a famous actress and then motivational speaker, God wanted me to see that I didn’t need a huge platform to start what He called me to do. I also realized He was shifting my focus to be in alignment with His purpose for my life. Once I aligned my focus to His, I started to see Him move expeditiously on my behalf. One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is “obedience is better than sacrifice”. Tears and all, I’m glad I obeyed God!
As you know, we’re big fans of Courageous SELFcare Specialists, LLC. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
At Courageous SELFcare Specialists, LLC we provide Christian Counseling and Life/Business Coaching sessions uniquely designed to fit the needs of each of our clients. We believe that if you master the 5 key components of overall self-care, which are; Physical Health, Mental Health, Financial Health, Emotional Health and Spiritual Health, then you will be able to master life and not allow it to master you. Don’t be afraid to get the help that you need. Our motto is “It’s not selfish, it’s called SELFcare”.
Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
My advice for those who are just starting out is to do your own research. Google is a great tool to use when you need answers or unsure about how to do something. Also, get connected with the right people, those people who are where you want to be, those people you look up to. You’d be surprised about what they know or who they know. Lastly, if you are just starting to pursue your dream, business or whatever you set out to do, TRUST GOD! I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. Ask God for direction and He will show you the way.
- Individual Counseling $80 per session
- Premarital/ Couples Counseling $120 per session
- Marriage Counseling $150 per session
- Life Coaching $120 per session
- Business Startup Consultation Starting at $150
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Image Credits
Dwayne Boyd Photography, Sling Shots ATL