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Meet Jeff Kagan, Wireless Analyst in Marietta

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jeff Kagan.

Jeff, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My new wife and I moved to Atlanta in 1984. I still remember my first ride into town. It was so exciting and inspiring. I was young and looking for new opportunities. That was the time when AT&T or Ma Bell was broken up into one long distance giant and seven Baby Bells. There was no Internet. No wireless service yet. Cable TV was still new. There were suddenly countless smaller long distance companies that entered the stage as well. When we found out we were pregnant, all of a sudden the pressure was on. I was going to be a father. That changed everything. All of a sudden, a new life was coming and was going to depend on me. So in 1984, I entered the telecom space and as they say, the rest is history. My success was not easy or pre-planned. In fact, I had no idea what I was doing or what direction my life would take me. But I knew I wanted to be a big success and kept that goal in my mind every day until eventually, it came true. You might call me an overnight success that took many years of hard work to happen. The industry kept changing, telephone, wireless, Internet, pay-TV and now moving into AI, IoT, the cloud and so much more. I started getting calls from the media looking for comments on stories they were doing. I started writing columns, sharing my opinion on the changing industry. I was invited to give keynote speeches at company and industry meetings. My name recognition grew. I have worked with some incredible people over the years. Leaders of incredible companies. My life has been an incredible journey over the last three decades and I continue to look forward to the next three decades!

Has it been a smooth road?
My story is a common tale. Challenges and struggles are part of everyone’s journey. In the early days, I had no idea how, but I knew I was going to be successful. It’s hard to explain, but that fire drove me. I still don’t fully understand how it all works, but there is a power that is all around us. All we have to do is reach out, think positively, always be honest, always want to add and to help and always do the right thing.

13 years ago, at the top of my game, I had a stroke. That instantly threw me off my horse and threw me to the ground. It was a very long recovery lasting many years. It took quite a bit of effort and hard work and determination to work my way back. With the help of God, I did.

Year after year, I was able to do more and more. Today, I’m back. I love life. I love traveling. I love telling my story.

I love giving speeches and writing columns and sharing thoughts and comments with the media.

I will never retire. I tried it. Its dull and boring after the first few months. Working and growing and improving is what I want to do every day for the rest of my life.

The lesson I learned is you must love what you do. If you love what you do, then it’s not work. Your work is play. And who doesn’t want to stop playing!

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Jeff Kagan, Wireless Analyst – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
As a wireless analyst, telecom industry analyst or industry analyst, I follow and comment on the changing industry, technologies and companies. I offer my thoughts and comments in a variety of ways including several weekly columns, comments to the media who call on a daily basis, keynote speeches at companies and industry groups, meetings, briefings and so on.

I have consulted with countless leaders in the wireless, telecom, pay-tv and Internet industry for thirty-years.

Doing this for so long, I have built a strong reputation and I take that very seriously. My commentary is read by industry leaders, investors, workers, customers and regulators. I am just one of many voices in an ever changing industry full of smartphones and tablets and computers.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
I have loved Atlanta from the first day I saw it in 1984. There is something magical about this place. It has grown and changed so much, but it remains that shining city on the hill. People come from all over the country to live and work here. They raise their families and build their future here. It’s an incredible place to love and to work. Of course, growth has a price like traffic and congestion. So, I just stay off the roads during rush hour.

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1 Comment

  1. Jeff Kagan

    July 18, 2017 at 12:30 pm

    Thank you for this honor. It was a pleasure going down memory lane and planning for tomorrow. Never stop growing!

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