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Meet Katherine Mcdougle

Today we’d like to introduce you to Katherine Mcdougle.

Hi Katherine, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
When I started my Paparazzi Jewelry journey in 2018, I had no idea where it was going to take me. I came across my Sponsers live jewelry sale on Facebook I watched her show jewelry that was beautiful for only $5 I was Immediately intrigued So I ordered over $85 each live after about my 3rd order she Extended me the offer to sign up with the company to get Discount or I could sale the jewelry iota was my choice at the time I was working for a beauty supply in California where I wasn’t making much money, So I said imma sign up just for the discounts lol.

If someone would have told me then that I would have an awesome team of 68 MEN and WOMEN in various parts of the US, literally on the east coast, west coast, and in between I wouldn’t have believed them. More are joining every month!!! It is a business so yes, I do have to work–nothing comes super easy right? But the payoff is wonderful. And I can truly say that in most cases it doesn’t seem like work because I enjoy it so much.

Success is in the eyes of the beholder. People join Direct Sales businesses for their own reasons, but everyone has a success story. What’s my success story?

Being able to become a stay at home mom and Grandmother is my biggest success. Being able to pay off the credit card debt That I accrued during my younger years Being able to mentor and develop new team members to reach new levels of financial stability and independence Being able to put a smile on someone’s face just by showing, selling, and sometimes giving them $5 jewelry is my success.

Am I the top consultant? No. Am I the highest-paid consultant? No. But I pour 100% of my heart and soul into my business and Team I have a lot to teach to those who are WILLING to learn and work hard. Showing them how to grow their own business and help empower them personally is my success. This is only the beginning. I plan on adding a lot more successes to this list every year. With me sharing the joint opening of Paparazzi and continuing to work my business, it’s definitely going to happen!

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It definitely hasn’t been a smooth road. One of my biggest struggles is getting my team active and keeping them going

for myself it’s staying consistent with my business such as advertising and going live on social media being that it’s the largest market to grow your business. I also struggle with staying organized sometimes but I’m getting the hang of it now.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Small business Owner / Freelancer

Been a hairstylist 26 years of experience

Makeup artist three years

CO Host radio personality/Motivational


Tax Professional Consultant 15 years

I’m known for the woman that’s a jack of all trades with a smile that lights a room and my spirit of motivation and encouragement.

I’m most proud of my growth and transition my determination, strength and the ability to speak and give motivation.

What sets me aside from others; I would have to it’s my willpower to show that I am a prime example that change can occur My Attitude & continued determination plays a gray part on how I’m viewed by others.

The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
I’ve learned that family and close friends are everything and life shouldn’t be taking for granted and to stop saying your going to do something and just do it!


  • $5 jewelry
  • $99 to Start your own business
  • $1 kids jewelry

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