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Meet Kela Taylor of Universal Salons in Midtown and HomePark

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kela Taylor.

Kela, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
6 years ago I had no thoughts of being an entrepreneur. It took for me loosing my father and putting my 9-5 job in jeopardy for me to think about starting my own business. My background is Insurance. I am licensed in Property & Casualty. After working with so many Real Estate Investors and seeing them “Play Monopoly” I wanted a piece of the pie. Just a small piece, so I thought. From Insurance, I tapped into Real Estate Investing which consisted of two Bed & Breakfast concepts ( Crash Pad), Small Business Lending, Private Money Lending, and now my largest and latest venture Universal Salons. Universal Salons is salon suites and we house top beauty industry professionals. I tapped into the Salon Suites Concept because it’s innovative. Most Real Estate Investors are now owning them. My goals in the near future are to franchise my business.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It’s never smooth!, In fact, entrepreneurship is not an easy task for me. So, therefore, I believe in myself and in my businesses and I don’t ever try to look at the glass as being half empty. In my field of work, you can’t trust no one but you. I deal with having to file judgements on people who fail to pay their obligations. I have to deal with people wanting to be my “friend.” My two biggest challenges are family input and firing.

Please tell us about Universal Salons.
Salon Suites requires little to no management. Universal Salons requires a bit more management. We offer more and better amenities than other Salon Suites such as valet towel service, Concierge, and we even have our 1800 square feet premier event space, The Marke’ Venue. It was initially designed for the professionals to host classes and seminars, till one day while still under construction an outsider came in wanting to do a graduation party inside that space. That’s when we put a name on it and started making money, which sometimes does better than the Salon Suites. That’s just an added bonus.

I”m very proud of all the many failures I’ve incurred. They’ve only built me to be stronger. Every affliction has been an advantage. I realize it all happens for a reason.

Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
Playing outside, making dirt pies, just being a kid. I loved school, i loved raising my hand to answer the questions. I loved playing with my barbie dolls.


  • Salon Suites $270 – $600
  • The Marke Venue $500 – Unlimited

Contact Info:

  • Address: Universal Salons
    1210 Fowler Street
    Atlanta Ga 30318
  • Website:
  • Phone: 8444344007
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @universalsalonsuites
  • Facebook: Universal Salons Salon Suites
  • Twitter: @universalsuites
  • Other: @themarkevenue

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Image Credit:

Cynthia Bailey – Real Housewives of Atlanta
Nikki Gilbert – R&B Legend
Marlo Hampton – Real Housewives of Atlanta
Universal Salons Interior and Exterior
The Marke Venue Interior
Style Kings Salon – Subsidiary of Universal Salons ( Barber Shop)

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