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Meet Kristin Boyer of K. Boyer Photography in Brookhaven

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kristin Boyer.

Kristin, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My Story starts with Your Story. My tag line is “My Lens. Your Story.” I have an amazing opportunity to tell my clients stories with all the heart and all the love that I have inside of me. In many cases, like school portraits, I have a mere few minutes to influence a child and make them feel like a million bucks; to share with them how beautiful they really are… to capture that inner sparkle that every. single. person. has. It is amazing how people respond to being told they are beautiful and they are worthy.

This isn’t really my story. I am simply a keeper of the spirit; a keeper of people and their memories. I capture those moments with my lens so my clients can enjoy being in the moment and later enjoy the memories these images evoke. I am a people person. I am a communicator. I love to learn about people and photography is a natural extension of these characteristics.

I never intended to start a photography business. I was given a high end camera 15 years ago and decided that I was never going to put it on automatic and that I wanted to learn how to use my camera properly. I started going to every class I could find through Showcase School of Photography and other independent groups and organizations. I asked questions, practiced and for every 10,000 photos, one or two would turn out great. It was a huge learning curve but I loved the process, meeting other photographers and learning about light and capturing emotion and feeling. I realized that I loved making Art!

Social Media and word of mouth have been critical factors to my success. As people started to notice my images on social media, they asked me to take their family and children’s photos. As I started to purchase more and more gear, I realized that I need to make back some of what I was spending…. and my business was born. I started by taking family photos for friends and charging a very small amount and now I am photographing large corporate groups, individual corporate and actor headshots, school portraits and families all around the metro Atlanta area. I am doing what I love, offering priceless memories to my clients and capturing those moments that we will never get back. At the same time, I continue to grow and learn every single day and evolve as a business, an entrepreneur and an artist.

I have an amazing opportunity to tell my clients stories with all the heart and all the love that I have inside of me. What a privilege and a huge honor. I am blessed.

My favorite photo is always my very next one!

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
There have been many up’s and downs. Many learning curves from the business end to the creative end and everything in between but with each one, I have grown and improved. I would say the biggest obstacle was figuring out how to scale this business from just a few families to the many schools, corporations and families I now serve. I have had to learn how to maintain my client satisfaction, deliver an exceptional product all the while learning things like SEO and Google Analytics. It has been a great ride and I hope it never stops challenging me and throwing obstacles in my way. It is the only way to keep growing.

Boyer Photography – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
What do I do? What sets me apart? It’s simple… I connect with my clients. There are thousands of fantastic photographers out there and many are much much better than me. What makes me unique and sets me apart is that I connect with my clients, I love to laugh, I love to be silly and have fun.

I know there is an interesting story inside each person that stands in front of my lens. My job is to share that story that is unique to each person and share it in the most positive light possible. People have loads of insecurities. We all have them. I hear about them all the time. It is my job to help them relax, share tips that will minimize their insecurities and create authentic portraiture and create an environment where they forget about the lens and have FUN. Photos should be FUN. I love the unexpected and when dealing with children, that is exactly what I get every time. I never know what adventures I am in for!

I specialize in people and capturing them at their best. I work mainly with children of all ages and their families creating images from newborn to high school seniors, headshots for children and adults as well as local small to medium size corporations. One of my many passions is my school portrait photography program to create fresh, unique, beautiful and different school portraits.

I am most proud of the fact I truly love what I do and it comes across in my images and with my clients.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?

I have proud moments every time I hear positive feedback from my clients. As a creative, I want to know what people think and every time someone reaches out to compliment me, I am overcome with gratitude. One of the first schools I went to work for was a large public elementary school and I photographed a special needs class of children. I had one nonverbal child who after a little coaxing stood in front of the camera, made a few noises and looked and we captured some wonderful images of him. I turned around and the teacher was crying. I asked what was wrong and she said “he has not uttered a sound all year long and you got him to make noises.” We were both crying. It is now my fourth year at this school and they call me the picture lady and they know who I am, they hug me when I walk in the halls and they are happy to see me. These are my proudest moments. Picture day is FUN and it is the BEST day of the school year. 🙂


  • Family, Maternity, Newborn – all High Resolution Digital Images = Flat rate pricing of $275 and Newborns are $300 Flat Rate
  • Headshots for Individuals $150 and Corporations receive group discounts
  • School Portrait are based on a la carte or packages and start at $6

Contact Info:

Image Credit: Kristin Boyer, K. Boyer Photography

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