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Meet Teresa Moody

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Teresa Moody. Teresa was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Marsha Rowe.

Hi Teresa, we’re so thrilled to have you sharing your story with us today. Maybe we can kick things off by having you introduce yourself to our readers? We’d love to have you go into your story and how you got to where you are today.
The death of my son, Myron E. Moody, Jr., tried “all my emotions”. It led me to write and published my first book, “My Faith Brought me Back”.

In this book, I share how through faith and a willingness to cope with the loss of a loved one; how God will lead you back to Him. I’ve received a lot of positive feedback.

Several people stated to me, “as they read my book, they received their healing from grieving the loss of their love one”.

Others shared;

“I love the transparency of the author and the tips on how to deal with the lost of a love one.

“This book was beyond amazing and I recommend that everyone read it.

We all suffer the pain of losing a loved one in our lives, this book provides words that will soothe the soul.

It will also let you know that your faith in God will bring you through any trial or tribulation in your life”.


Anyone who has lost a loved one or not will be blessed by this book! Amazing Testimony,

Amazing God”!!!!

“For anyone dealing with loss, for anyone in pain, this is for you.

Mrs. Moody shares the turmoil, the journey, and restoration!

Very good read”!

This book is also being shared in Federal Institutions.

I received a comment from an inmate which stated,

“Your book reaches more areas than just loosing a love one.

I shared your book with several inmates and they were touched by your book, it’s giving them hope”.

Let’s talk about your work and career – what else should we know?
I retired from Department of Corrections, Probation and Parole, in Lake Wales, Florida. I worked for the State of Florida 24 years. During that time I came across many challenges. My faith in God, encouragement from my husband and family, helped me overcome them. I quit school when I was in the 11th grade. I went to a trade school at, “Ridge Vocational School”, where I studied for my GED and a trade in Clerk Typist. My greatest accomplishment is when I decided to go back to school. I wanted to show my children, if I could do it, they could too. However, I’m most proud of my children. Seeing them work on accomplishing their dreams gives me joy. I’ve learned, “A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits”. No matter what I face in life, I find my strength through God’s Word. He promised me in Hebrews 13:5, “He would never leave or forsake me”. Reading and applying Philippians 4:13 to my life, I learned that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My excitement comes from helping others. I want the world to know that my vision is to see people heal from grief, pain, and to help them find joy, peace, and faith in God! I accepted my call to ministry, January 23, 2000, and have enjoyed ministering at women’s conferences, church services, and more. I’ve also taught Sunday School classes in various churches, ranging from elementary, teenagers, to adults. I’ve held the office of president and director, of both youth and adult choirs. I’m a recorded Gospel artist with my brother Nathaniel Ware. On February 1, 2021, I released my first-single, “Hallelujah All Praise Belongs To You”. As aforementioned, my love for writing led me to sharing the tragic loss of my son, in my first book “My Faith Brought Me Back”, May 23, 2017. I became a Self-publisher, January 6, 2021, when I published my second book, “Think, Believe, Speak & Achieve”. I want to encourage everyone to, “Never give up on your dreams”. If you can think, believe and speak it, you will achieve it. I studied “Psychology with a concentration in Christian Counseling” and “Religion” at “Liberty University”. I reside in Central Florida with my King, Myron Moody, Sr.

Marsha Rowe and Heavenly Beads & More have been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about Marsha Rowe and Heavenly Beads & More and your experience with them.
My overall experience with Marsha is “heaven-sent”.

I’ve been dealing with Marsha’s Heavenly Beads and more Jewelry business for years.

She’s always carried herself in a professional manner, and her jewelry is phenomenal.

I love the fact that Marsha’s jewelry is uniquely designed.

She uses genuine stones.

When I wear her jewelry,

Not only do I feel beautiful, it makes me feel like a “Queen”.

Whenever I wear her jewelry; I receive many compliments.

She’s my personal “Jewelry Stylist”.

If you’re looking for the best jewelry designer, “Heavenly Beads and more”, is your store.

They’ll meet all your needs.

Other: Website:
Twitter: @T10285317Moody
Facebook: Teresa Ware Moody

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