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Rising Stars: Meet Charrisa Taylor

Today we’d like to introduce you to Charrisa Taylor.

Hi Charrisa, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My journey started back in 2014. My pastor, Bishop Van Moody, was teaching a series called A Love Story About You. He was teaching from the book of Ruth and every time he made a point, he would say HELLO RUTH. Not only was he teaching us about identity, loss, love, and legacy, he encouraged us to get connected to other women and start a small group. So a friend introduced me to several other ladies in the church and we started to meet every other week to learn and grow in God together. This started in September 2014.

That next January 2015, the small group season was starting again and the ladies wanted to continue the group. We wanted to actually follow protocol when creating the group but at that time, I had so much going on I was very hesitant to LEAD the group and I told another friend that I couldn’t lead the group at the time. I remember making the decision and every night after that I wasn’t able to sleep. I was wrestling because God was calling me to be uncomfortable and I was wanting to stay in my shell. I felt unworthy, unable, and unqualified to LEAD anyone closer to Christ as I was deepening my relationship with God. I wanted to be under someone’s leadership to learn but God had other plans.

During the wrestling, God was doing a work in me. He was calling me to be the leader he created me to be and I fought the call. Days later, I eventually called my friend and told her I would lead this group and months later God revealed that the call was much bigger than I thought. Fast forward to today, I am not only the visionary of Hello Ruth Ministries, I am a three time self published author and coach. Looking back over my journey, had I not answered the call, I would not be where I am today. There are days when I doubt, days when the call gets heavy, but God keeps me. He refreshes me and he reassures me that THIS is where I am supposed to be. I was looking for someone else and God was calling me to be that someone. My journey is my journey and God allows me to use my experiences to empower and uplift so many others. I never wanted a title. I was good with being the girl from Bessemer, but God saw otherwise and for that I will forever give him glory and praise.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road HAS NOT been easy. I have taken some very hard hits. I’ve had to cut ties away from certain relationships that I really treasured. I had to let go even when I didn’t want to. I sacrificed so many things to get to where I am today. I had to fight with the voices in my head that made me question the gift God had given me. I had to allow God reaffirm my identity, my purpose, and my calling because things weren’t panning out like I thought. There was work to be done internally to get me where I am today. I cried many nights. I gave up many things and was about to throw in the towel because I was so tired of fighting. I realized that there were times when God needed me to walk alone. He had to get me in a place to drown out the noise. We expect that the journey will be easy because we are walking in the will of God. I had to learn how to trust him no matter what happens, who left, what was said. I had to trust that He is the majority and whom he loves he prunes and humbles. Every failed attempt, every failed relationship, every redirection, every closed door was for my good. The more I realize this, things that used to bother me don’t. I understand that God has the final say and instead of asking why, I look for the lesson in it.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
By day, I am an educator. I am a graduate of Alabama State University. I have been teaching for the last 16 years. This was a dream of mine from childhood. My third grade teacher Mrs. Webb from Jonesboro Elementary School in Bessemer, Al made me feel as if I could be and do anything. From that moment on I desired to make others feel the same way. As a child, I played school with my dolls and used some of the old books in my grandmother’s house as the books to teach my dolls. From this I pursued this degree and started my career in. education in 2005. I went from in the classroom to becoming an ARI Reading Coach for Bessemer City Schools. I took a leap of faith in 2019 and changed school systems. I am now back in the classroom and enjoying being the creative God has called me to be. I also offer private tutoring services for Queens and Kings in grades K-6.

I am the visionary of Hello Ruth Ministries where for the last six years our purpose of the organization is to spread the word of Christ. We vow to push others to know God, find purpose, and walk confidently. We serve, give, and encourage all regardless of creed or color. We look to God and stand on his word. We are vessels who remain obedient to his word. We host a variety of events such as conferences, bible study, community outreach projects, and Facebook live events that focus on a variety of topics such as spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial stability. I also specialize in self publishing. I am the author of Prepare and Position Yourself (2016), The Mis-Education of Ruth (2017), and A Queens Speaks (2018). I self taught myself on how to become a self published author back in 2016 after reaching out to someone who did the same but kept the information to themselves. I vowed from that moment to help others who are interested in publishing. So now I help other local authors self publish their books. To this date, I have helped 12 local authors birth their book from start to finish. I also create digital products to assist others in self publishing and/or business startup. I am currently working on a few things and excited to actually launch them in the coming months! I consider myself as just a vessel God chooses to use. I am very proud of all of my accomplishments and grateful to be a part of so many others who value what I do.

Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
In the next 5-10 years, I believe I will be a full time entrepreneur, making my own schedule, running all the businesses that are down inside of me, and helping millions walk in purpose. I am a creative and I believe God will continue to give me the wisdom and ingenuity to do all that he has called me to do. As long as I keep God first, I believe that I will leave a legacy behind for many to follow.

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Image Credits

Antoni Boswell of A. Boswell Media Services and Desiree Greenwood of Desiree Danielle Photography
Makeup by Vickie Miles

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