Today we’d like to introduce you to Denise Carson.
Hi Denise, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I have been working in the entertainment business for over a decade. While working this business and dealing with my own personal traumas, I experienced egos birthed from darkness in the workplace. Superiors feeling like they can speak to people in any type of way. As I began to heal my dark side I realized the power of entertainment and the impact it has on the individual. That allowed me to birth the speaker, author and producer as a business versus a separate entity. I began working straight out of high school with a vision to start my own production company one day. My biggest challenge working productions is not my job but the individuals associated with the job. Depending on their energy and how they enhance their job began to overshadow my passion. I began to question my dreams due to the hardships of trying to prove myself. A huge challenge for me was advocating for myself without appearing irate and uncollaborative. Instead of giving up, I started to build my own shows that incorporated self traumas as well as what I’ve seen displayed in the workplace with others in dark spaces. I began to believe in myself and have the ability to do what I was chosen to do, like creating experiences about people who live in darkness by mirroring both their personal and professional lives. I am most proud of establishing myself as a brand instead of just an employee. Using my knowledge of purpose to show off the talents that are given to me, I shifted my thinking from worker to CEO. That’s my biggest accomplishment, putting an LLC behind my name so I can help others do the same!
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Things are not easy. Sometimes you have to break your comfort zone in order to be comfortable. The toughest bumps in the road come from comfortability and familiarity. When people are comfortable with moving in Ego then environments begin to shift. My biggest challenge is dealing with egos in the workplace while still trying to tame my own. I understand the position but I moved in power. The bump in the road comes from me discovering my true self and true essence. It comes from a place of knowing I am more than what you have hired me for. That’s what pushed me to start my own productions where I tell stories about transformation. Using the knowledge I gained in darkness to show others the light.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a producer in the entertainment industry who uses her knowledge of production to birth my own Purpose. I have been working behind the scenes in entertainment for over a decade. Whether it was television, radio or stage I allowed myself to get knowledge in all genres. Once I gained that knowledge I birthed my own vision “The Transformational Experience”. Which is a stage production that have a live interpretation interview between your light and dark side. This show alloted me to express myself dealing with trauma in and out of the workforce. I am most proud of choosing myself and my gifts to impact the world. Instead of settling to continue to build other dreams. I allowed me to believe in me. With that comes fear and faith which can live in the same sentence. When fear is planted, faith is produced. So I know that my rarity lies in my willingness to tell the truth no matter how dark it is. My willingness to move mountains no matter how dark it is. I allowed what I went through in life to capitalize not only mentally but also financially. I am beyond my biggest dreams and I continue to use imagination to promote Purpose. Transform your Mind, Transform your life.
Do you have recommendations for books, apps, blogs, etc?
I have a master teacher whom classes and books I have read over the years to help with the ascension. I also read my book written by me, “Confront Your Shadow”. Which is a book of life questions to ask yourself during darkness. My books are available on Amazon. I am a big fan of YouTube inspiration which also keeps my brain stable. My favorite healer is Iyanla Vanzant.
- Book- $15
- Transformational Experience- $25 (early bird)
Contact Info:
- Instagram: Prosperous_Hustler
- Facebook: DeniseCarson
- Twitter: DeniseCarsonLLC
- Youtube: DeniseCarson08
Image Credits
Photographer: @majorephotography