Today we’d like to introduce you to Dominique Franceschi. Them and their team share their story with us below:
Born and raised in Bogotá Colombia, Audiobook Narrator and Voice Over Artist Dominique Franceschi moved to the US in 2016. Throughout her life, she has trained in Music Theatre and Performing Arts, as well as a degree in Communications.
A lover of video games since her early years, she always was fascinated by the voices that brought her favorite RPGs to life. Voice Acting was always part of her life, and she knew she wanted nothing more than to lend her voice to bring worlds to life.
This is how Audiobooks made their way into her life. Always an avid reader, the idea of having a story right in the ear was fascinating.
Dominique joined the Audiobook world as many do, first as a listener, and now, as a Narrator. She has narrated several titles for Penguin Random House Audio and is very excited to continue this journey, with projects in both English and Spanish lined up for 2022.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
For better or for worse (but surely for the better) the road has not been smooth. Moving to a foreign country meant having to deal with being away from family and friends, but also with the idea of becoming a foreigner and a minority.
Being Colombian was just part of who she was. One more word in the list of descriptors along with Latinx, Sister, Woman, Gamer, etc. However, having so many strangers so fixated on where she was from (or where she wasn’t from) and how she spoke, helped Dominique discover another one of her passions: Advocacy for Diversity.
This is one of the main reasons Dominique became an Audiobook Narrator, (aside from her love of books); to help voice stories that need to be told, but also to put her own voice out there. All this in the hope that she can show the world there are infinite ways to be human, and that they are all valid.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Dominique works as an Audiobook Narrator. Some of her favorite genres are Sci-Fi, Children’s, YA and Fantasy. She also has a soft spot for Non-Fiction, because the reality of the world can sometimes be incredibly magical.
Being Bilingual is definitely something that Dominique is very proud of. She is hoping to help break barriers and stereotypes with her work. You don’t have to look a certain way or be from a certain place to be an artist. Every voice is unique, and every voice deserves to be heard.
We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you?
When asked about the role of Luck in her life it’s always a dilemma whether things happen because of good fortune or good preparation. Recently, it certainly feels like perhaps a combination of both. “The Universe is Wise” is something she will often say. If you work really hard for something and it doesn’t happen, there is a reason for that. Dominique firmly believes that time is never wasted because we are constantly learning, and thus, we are constantly growing.
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