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Check Out Kierra & Cierra Smith’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kierra & Cierra Smith. Them and their team share their story with us below:

Chosenlifts was birthed by twin sisters Kierra and Cierra Smith through a personal mantra or belief that each and everyone was chosen to face the specific obstacles they may encounter in life. Through this premise, our vision was manifested through the challenges that we have personally faced in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is our belief that exercise and healthy living is not a punishment but rather reward that far exceeds the prerequisites to maintaining a life that is both fulfilling and enjoyable. We do believe representation is important especially for black women in fitness. Furthermore, in today’s world, strong women are pushed either into competitive lifting or bodybuilding, they can’t just be strong without needing the “why.” Our brand is about proving to everyone you don’t need the why when you’re choosing longevity.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Women who are certified personal trainers and or coaches never have it easy, unfortunately. No matter the certifications or degrees we gain, it’s always an assumption that we know less than our male counterparts. Nonetheless, as women we feel the pressure of our bodies being walking billboards for our business. If our “billboard” isn’t promoting a particular body composition, then business will likely suffer. Lastly, there has been a lot of progress and leeway by the fitness world to encourage more women to start weight training. Yet, we still have to debunk the myth that weight training will cause women to “bulk” and look “manly,” but instead increase overall strength, bone density, decrease fat and increase lean body mass.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We are certified personal trainers that help individuals achieve their fitness and body goals through both metabolic conditioning and strength training. We are specifically known for our hybrid style of training that includes both a powerlifting style of barbell training while utilizing bodybuilding techniques. We love proving to the world one doesn’t have to choose between max strength and your ideal physique, it’s more than possible to have both. This is the biggest thing that sets us apart from other female trainers. We incorporate both sides of training even if they are on two ends of the spectrum. We are most proud of both squatting over 375lbs, deadlifting 390lbs, and benching 180lbs currently. It gets competitive among us, we are constantly challenging each other to rise to the occasion. We take turns on who has the bigger numbers on those lifts.

Any big plans?
We plan to open a training facility someday geared specifically toward women. We want to create a space where young female athletes can thrive under the right guidance and coaching, More importantly, it’ll be a place where we hope to influence more women to start personal training and ultimately widening the lane for our place in the fitness industry.


  • Strength and Shredz (fitness program) – $35.99
  • ChosenStrength [Heavy Hittas Only] – $35.99
  • 6-week Online Coaching/Training – 150.00

Contact Info:

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