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Check Out Takenya Walker’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Takenya Walker.

Hi Takenya, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My name is Takenya Walker. Im the CEO of The BossRyders Car Club. BossRyders was established in 2020. It all started with me and another friend making a purchase at a rim shop. While waiting for service we started talking about car clubs and came to the conclusion we should start a car club. Its been two years of ups and downs but we’re still out here trying to make a difference not just in our local communities but communities state wide. Just like any club or organization we gain and lose members but we continue to grow. We are more than a club, we are family and just like family we have our ups and downs but we always have each other backs.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Like with any club/organization you encounter clash of personalities, differences of opinion, personal issues that affect club dynamics, misunderstandings between other clubs, etc. When those things happen, it’s leadership role to try to resolve matters within the club and outside the club as amicably as possible. One thing we have learned in this car club world is that you cannot make everybody happy and sometimes people have their own personal issues that may have not been caused by something the club itself or an individual in the club may have done. All we can do is continue our mission to better communities, create a space of fun and remain a family unit. I will say nothing worth having comes easy but I wouldn’t trade my club for the world. Once we got over the bumps in the road, it became smooth sailing for the most part.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Our club does a lot for the communities. During colder months, we do resource drives for the homeless. We try to gather essentials such as blankets, toiletries, food, water and warm clothing for the homeless population in the areas. During Christmas, we to do a big toy drive. We choose cities with limited resources and we ride in line city to city giving out toys. We usually make stops in low-income housing areas but parents not residing in the housing area are welcome to bring their children out for gifts. During the summer, we do back-to-school drives and give out school supplies. We conduct this drive in the same manner we conduct the Christmas toy drive. We conduct a trunk n treat event yearly for children and families to come out and enjoy Halloween safely. We receive requests for birthday rides and bereavement rides which entails us riding through an agreed upon location to show support for the birthday or the family of the bereaved. In all of these drives and rides, we often try to collab with other car clubs to reach more of the population with our efforts. These events are always a success thanks to my wonderful club officers and team members who donate their time, money and energy to bringing these events to life.

Can you talk to us a bit about happiness and what makes you happy?
Between being the CEO of a car club that spends a lot of time in the community and working full time, I find happiness in spending time with my lovely wife, Tiffany and spending time with my family. I love enjoying the good in life without worries.

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