Today we’d like to introduce you to Lexi Johnson.
Lexi, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
If someone would have asked me, in my teenage years, if Finance would be my area of purpose and passion, I would have laughed hard! I hated numbers. I chose a college major based on the least of amount of math classes I had to take. In 2007-2008, my ex-husband and I filed bankruptcy. He had lost his job several months prior. About three months after he lost his job, I lost mine. A new company was taking over and brought in their own management. Though we had issues in our marriage prior to this, the financial mess was the icing on the cake. What little we had to our name was now gone. We lost our home and our cars. We had a mountain of debt. We separated and two – three years later, we were divorced.
The span of time between 2008 and 2011 were the most financially devastating years of my life. I had become a single mom with three small children and couldn’t rub two nickels together. The mountain of debt that was accrued by both my husband and I became my issue solely because my name was on all the bills. I felt like the four walls of life had crushed me. In fact, I remember talking to God and saying, if this is the sum total of my life, you can just take me out. Well… I thank God he didn’t listen to me. The next day I heard a still small voice say “Get up.” It was God speaking again. I’m thinking get up and do what? Nonetheless, I did get up. My decision to get up allowed God to move people, places and things on my behalf. A few days later, I met my financial coach, mentor, and advisor. He taught me some very simple (and I mean simple) financial concepts. I got so excited about the concepts I made a decision to become part of the industry. I knew that I could teach other women like me how to win in their finances. God is good. He has restored everything I lost and then some. I have been on a mission to change the face of wealth ever since April of 2012.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Business ownership is never smooth road, at least not in my experience. There have definitely been some struggles along the way. As I started out, I thought I knew some things about running a business because I had an MBA. I didn’t know the first thing about it. I struggled in attracting my niche market. My messaging was horrible. Finally, I admitted to myself I needed a different type of education. I hired a business coach. I learned things the universities would never teach me. I also struggled with sales. I was and am an excellent teacher. I could and still can speak and teach on finances like nobody’s business. Asking people for money (early on) was a struggle. I had the concept of sales twisted based on my run ins with subpar salespeople. Once I learned that the solutions I provide are the answer to help people change the entire trajectory of their financial life, I was good. I have no issue calling people to action monetarily.
As you know, we’re big fans of Money Mastery 4 Her Enterprises. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
Money Mastery 4 Her Enterprises exists to change the face of wealth for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom. While we help everyone who desires to succeed in their finances, our target is primarily women entrepreneurs and career leaders of color. We specialize in providing an overall financial strategy to ensure your income is properly protected in your early years and you don’t run out of money in your later years. My business provides an array of financial products such as life insurance, investments, education savings plans, debt elimination, and so much more. I am a naturally and spiritually gifted teacher. What sets my brand apart from others is that we make the Kingdom principles of wealth management easy. They are presented in a way that inspires and transforms.
We not only assist women of color in becoming successful money masters, we also provide independent contractor opportunities. These independent contractor positions allow for closing the pay gap and realizing their financial goals and dreams. I am proud to say that we have a presence in 8 states and growing.
We recently launched our Smart TV Network: LEX-Z TV where we provide a platform for emerging podcasts and shows with content in any of the nine areas of human activity. We are partnered with Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, Android TV, and Google TV to present their content on smart TVs worldwide.
I am grateful for all of this but the most rewarding part of our brand is the missions arm. This year, I am taking a team of 15 missionaries to Ghana so that we can serve high school aged girls while spreading the Kingdom message. This is the beginning of the realization of my ultimate dream. The best part is that I am helping others fulfill their dreams of doing mission work overseas too.
Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
I have an extensive library!! Here are just a “few”.
Books/Authors for personal growth: The Bible; any books by Dr. Myles Monroe; Handbook to Leadership by Kenneth Boa, The Storehouse Principle by Al Jandl and Van Crouch; Women Unveiled Vol 1 and 2 by Erika Etienne; any book by Joan T. Randall, The Fight for My Life by Trica Wynn Payne; Grace Over Grind by Shae Bynes, Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson; Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim. Podcasts for personal growth – Ruslan KD and Allen Par
Books/Authors/Podcasts for business: Business Secrets from the Bible by Daniel Lapin, The ONE Thing by Gary Keller, The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran; Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller, The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki; The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley; Applying the Kingdom by Dr. Myles Monroe, Profit First by Mike Michalowicz, Podcasts by Dr. Boyce Watkins
On the lighter side of things: Any podcasts by KevOnStage, Tahir Moore, Patrick Cloud, Tony Baker, That Chic Angel
Critical Thinking podcasts: YAMS 3C, Maye Muses, Dr. Myles Monroe
Blogs/Magazines: E.G.O. Magazine, Girl Boss Talk Magazine
Contact Info:
- Email: hello@thelexijohnson.com
- Website: www.thelexijohnson.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/thelexijohnson
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/thelexijohnson
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/thelexijohnson
- Youtube: Money Mastery 4 Her or C1Ypsilanti
- Other: Consultatons: https://calendly.com/purposefullexi/15min
Image Credits
For my Headshot: Kimazing Photos Ghana Independence Day: Nii Odoom Anokwafo Annoh