Today we’d like to introduce you to Princess Miller.
Hi Princess, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Princess Creative Productions started as Royal Productions, back in 2008. I was a TV Producer working for the local cable affiliate producing TV commercials and TV shows for the local cable access channels. I had a dream in high school of one day having my own TV show as a video jockey just like the ones I grew up watching on MTV. I wanted my show to be called “Gospel Hits 1”. After I became a TV producer I started emailing record companies and gospel music artists for copies of their music videos. I was producing the show so as the producer I needed a name to attach at the end of my shows. I created the name of Royal Productions. I co-hosted, wrote, and produced the show along with my co-host, Cory P. who is now Councilman Cory Penn. The show opened the doors for us to interview many national and local gospel recording artists. We were on Youtube, Medicacom Cable, and Comcast Cable. We had a ball. But I didn’t know where to take the show or how to grow my production company.
One day I was praying and I heard God say to start a business. I replied, “what kind of business should I start?” He replied, “a Production Company”. (Now up to this point. I didn’t own a camera or anything. I was producing my show with borrowed work equipment and Saturday studio time.) I told God I didn’t own anything. I didn’t have a camera, computer, or editing software. He told me to start with what I had. I told Him the only thing I had is what I know. He told me to start with what I had. So the very next day I told my supervisor that God told me to start a business and that I will be teaching church’s how to start their television production ministries. He thought it wasn’t a very good business idea to which I replied, “that’s what God told me to do and I am going to do it”. The next day that supervisor got a call from a pastor in another city who told him he was looking for someone to come teach his people how to use the television equipment he purchased. He also needed them to learn how to edit his messages. My supervisor told him about me and that ministry became my first client and that pastor he is still my client today. I attended the University of South Alabama where I majored in Arts and Sciences with a concentration in broadcast journalism.
In 1998 when I was a sophomore in college, my pastor told me he wanted to start a TV ministry, he walked me through the church showing me where he wanted his cameras and then he said he wanted me to run that ministry. He also said he wanted me to be the voice of his radio program. I didn’t know at the time he was preparing me for my destiny. I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing so I took TV and Radio production classes to prepare to start and manage those ministries. When I recorded my first voiceover for the church’s radio broadcast, the station manager offered me a job. This opportunity helped me to learn the radio business and hone my interviewing skills and perfect my voiceovers. These skills paved the way for “Gospel Hits 1” as well as my podcast, “Color Outside the Box”. Working with the different ministries at the radio station and later my first TV station job as a master controller allowed me to learn how each industry operated as well as how to deal with clients. After working for several years as a TV producer, I had a desire to start my own creative agency.
As a TV producer, I saw how several moms and pops businesses (many black-owned) were not getting the proper attention from their account executives. In fact, some account executives would have me get clients to sign their contracts and deliver their payments to the office. Some wouldn’t listen to their clients’ needs or who their demographic was. They would simply say, “oh you’re black-owned well you need to be on black stations”; which is not necessarily true. Just because you are black doesn’t mean all of your clients are or will be black. I saw how many mom and pops couldn’t afford professional logos, websites, or photos. Creative services were just too high and many scraped and saved to put their commercials on television. The television station I worked for was in a position to help them but I was told even though we had the software, equipment, and knowledge, that’s not something they were willing to offer. And even though I became frustrated with how some clients were being treated and the office politics I never let my dream die. I told God I wanted to start this company but I needed to work for an agency first so that I can use that experience to give my clients the care and knowledge they deserved so I can see their businesses experience the growth they needed.
One day a recruiter reached out to me and asked if I wanted to work for the local paper. This job I had applied for many times when I was in college and I never got a callback or consideration. So I went to the interview and they were so impressed with the fact I went back to school and obtained my master’s degree; they practically offered me the job on the spot. And the best thing was the company was switching to an agency model so this was the opportunity I had been praying for. They were building a new up-to-date workspace with whiteboard meeting rooms, a co-working setup and an agency layout. So here I was working downtown, fulfilling another childhood dream, gaining the experience I needed to go full-time with my business. By this time, my company was producing 3 weekly shows. And I was teaching tv production classes to churches on Saturdays. I also learned photography and started a photography ministry at my church. I learned about social media management, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, geofencing and more. I had acquired a camera, lights, microphones, the adobe editing suite, and a macbook pro as well as a pc laptop. The name of the business was changed from Royal Productions to Princess Video Productions. When I left the paper in September 2015, I continued growing my client list. I started working on more graphic design projects and kicked off my social media management service. By December 2016, I moved into my 1st office space. I changed my business name to Princess Creative Productions, at the advice of one of my clients, who told me I should consider changing the name because my business is so much more than just video productions.
In this office space, I worked on several political campaigns, kicked off my photography business and as well as my website design service. I had learned website design many years before in college and when I launched “Gospel Hits 1” we had a professionally produced website that I had to learn how to maintain with updated content and uploading shows. A year and a half later, I wanted to move to a bigger office space in a better location. So I moved into my 2nd office space where I was there for another 2 years, a bigger space became available in the same building down the hall so I moved again. During this time I was attending local cohorts to connect with other business owners and learn how to take my business to the next level. I also joined the chamber of commerce. After winning a local pitch contest, I decided to take the winnings and move to bigger space. I wanted a space that would allow me to hire an assistant and interns. It turned out that space was located in the back of my then current building, so I moved literally across the parking lot. (It’s amazing how things just come together.) While attending the local cohorts, it became clear that in order for me to achieve what I wanted to do with the business without significantly raising my rates, I needed to go after government projects.
As of today, I can say I am working on my 3rd government project as a subcontractor. Today my company is mentoring other entrepreneurs. I have been able to speak at and host business seminars. I have hosted field trips at my office where I have shared with middle and high school students about the creative industry and shared my story. And my client list has grown to over 200. My company won its first award in 2018 and its second award in 2022. You know when God told me to start this business, I never saw what I am living now. If I would have listened to others who didn’t see my vision I would have quit a long time ago. No, I am not where I want to be but the way seems more clearer every day. Your vision is only for you. Everyone will not see it or receive it but if that’s what God has told you to do and that idea won’t let you sleep, then pursue it. Find some mentors that can give you wisdom on how to open your business. If you can’t find any mentors locally then find some on Youtube. Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey were my mentors (from afar). Their passion to create something never done before fueled me. When I was working my business there were people who said I couldn’t offer all of the services I offer. They told me to pick 2 or 3 things and focus on them. Today I have a full-service creative agency. I offer over 20 different services and because of that, I was able to pivot and keep rolling during the pandemic. I didn’t close during the pandemic. I was open every day and every week I had something to work on. Yes the workflow may have been slower but it did not stop. Your dream is worth the sacrifice and in the end it will bless you if you keep pursuing.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
My first struggle was obtaining the equipment I needed to start my business. Production equipment is high but when I went back to school to get my master’s degree, the school gave me a macbook pro and the adobe creative suite. The tuition reimbursement program through my production job allowed me to purchase a camera kit, tripod, and microphones. I would never forget praying about getting some production lights because I had spent my first reimbursement check on the camera and other equipment. I was working at the cable company and a coworker who had a production company was offering another co-worker some production lights. Well that coworker didn’t want them but he was so insistent I told him I would take them. He basically said if the other coworker didn’t want them then he was going to keep them. He brought the lights to work the next day, and the other coworker wouldn’t take them. I told him I will take them. Reluctantly, he gave them to me. This was the last piece I needed to start producing shows and commercials for my company.
Another struggle I had in the beginning was collecting payments. As a Christian, you always want to help anyone who needs it. I had to learn to pray for the gift of discernment because some people will use that as a means to not pay you. So I had to learn real quick who to help and how to collect. Never release a product without getting your money upfront. And make sure you are checking these clients out. I can’t tell you the number of scammers I have come across. And if a deal sounds too good to be true that’s because it probably isn’t. I’ve come across some people who asked me to work with them on payments but when you see them on social media, they are living it up while giving you a sob story.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Princess Creative Productions LLC is a full-service creative agency. We offer video production, photography, graphic design, websites, social media management, marketing, small event services, and audio production. We have produced TV commercials, a documentary, social media videos, and Zoom training sessions. We are known for professional work at a price you can afford. We offer great customer service, meaning we create a calm, relaxing environment conducive for creativity. We have produced radio ads, TV ads, and actor auditions. We had designed ads for magazines, billboards, digital ads, presentations for speakers, ads for digital displays, banners, shirts, flyers, brochures, business cards, postcards, mailing campaigns, invitations, graduation and wedding invitations and announcements, online magazines and more. We have designed websites for speakers, events, churches, businesses, actors and music artists, and political campaigns. We have produced slideshows for funerals and designed funeral programs as well designed memorial blankets.
We have done photography for events, product, business headshots, company photos, prom, graduation, and family portraits. We have provided live event and audio services for dance recitals, music festivals, conferences, and more. We provide services for real estate agents such as business cards, flyers, video listings, and photos of listings. We offer drone video and photography. Princess Creative Productions has worked on several political campaigns providing video services, photography, websites, graphic design, and social media management. We are a marketing assistants for a few companies in the area. We service clients in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North/South Carolina. For a full list of services, please visit www.princesscreativeproductions.com.
Can you talk to us a bit about the role of luck?
I don’t believe in luck, I believe in faith. I believe my faith has kept me on this journey and given me the perseverance to see this vision through.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.princesscreativeproductions.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/princessvideoproductions/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/princessvideoproductions/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/princess-creative-productions/?viewAsMember=true
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Princessvideoprod/featured
- Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/princess-creative-productions-mobile
- Other: https://linktr.ee/princesscreativeproductions
Image Credits
Photos- Timethy Miller Photography Makeup- Enhancing You by K. Cole Hair- Love Your Braids