Today we’d like to introduce you to Colby J.
Hi Colby, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My name is Colby Hall or Colby J. to certain individuals. I am 28 years old and from North Carolina originally but spent a little portion of my childhood coming to Atlanta to visit my grandmother who owned a private law firm in the city. There are some memories I still have from Atlanta as a child that I still carry to this day, I feel we all have memories of pieces of our upbringing that helps us appreciate where we are today. My story is no different in that aspect of inspiration. I’ve been through a lot in my childhood from multiple surgeries for benign tumors and being placed in foster care as a child. Those challenges shaped and moulded me into the man I am now. I would like to say I am a miracle child because God removed the tumors I had in my body during my childhood with no scientific explanation from the doctors and staff. It was then as a child I knew I was here for a special purpose.
In 2009 during my freshman year at Mooresville High School, I took an interest into music and getting into the music business. I fell in love with the process and journey of making music all through high school until graduation. I left high school and put down music only for a semester of college at a HBCU in South Carolina. After 1st semester I felt the urge to want to pursue music full time so I left college in 2012, moved back home and started to rebuild and rebrand myself. At this time I was in the world and fame driven. I had aspirations of being a famous rapper and living out my dreams like so many other young adults. But it wasn’t until 2015 I found purpose within why I make music. I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ in 2015 on my way to sign a recording deal in New York. My life would never be the same after this encounter. I had made 100’s of songs up till that point. I was on the way to making my dreams a reality in my own thinking until Jesus stepped in and changed my life course forever. I went to church that following Sunday as we were leaving for New York that Friday. I accepted Christ back into my heart as I was raised a baptist in church and was baptized and born again in March of 2015. I spent two years being disciplined and serving, spending time in God’s word and around his people to ensure I would be equipped to go out and fulfill his will and plans for my life.
In 2017, I picked up the mic heavy and started this journey of telling people in my music the reality of the choices we make and also warning the youth of the dangers of this present world and the music industry itself. I’ve had an opportunity during this time even until now to have met some amazing individuals within the faith and within spaces of the music industry where our faith and relationship in Jesus Christ is first and foremost. I never knew I had this gift to make music to glorify Jesus Christ. I didn’t realize even during high school how this journey of pursuing music was orchestrated by his perfect and pleasing will. Every moment was preparing me for what I do now to minister the gospel through my music in hopes of many coming into a relationship with Christ. He gave me a knowing of my identity and authority in himself and the willpower to do in his strength what I couldn’t do myself. I aim to inspire others to use their God-given gifts and abilities to glorify their Heavenly Father and that others may see how their relationship with their creator can have an impact and breed change within a fallen and broken world. Just like many others, I have a dark past and tough upbringing but through it all, I can honestly testify that if it hadn’t been for the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed upon calvary, the price he paid for you and I, I wouldn’t be here speaking to you all. I’m thankful and dedicate my life to tell my testimony of how God saved me from the darkness within the music industry, saved me from going down a path of destruction and in turn has endowed me with his power to go out and do good works, and within this space of music, he’s expanded my territory through the years when I returned my heart back to him and aligned my life with his will and his word.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
It hasn’t always been the smoothest road for me, as a child I mentioned I went through multiple surgeries. During my 1st, 2nd & 3rd grade years I spent a majority of that time in a hospital undergoing blood work, various x-rays and cat scans as well as a wide range of emotions that at the time as a child I didn’t know how to process. Coming out of that time period of my life I ended up in foster care in 2004 before my aunt took custody of me. I was molested as a young child as I know that is a lot of information but I am transparent and content in who God has made me to be. I grew up and saw abuse within my household that contributed to me being placed in foster care. During high school, I fell into the cycles of broken relationships and the cycle of not dealing with childhood trauma. It took me a while to come to myself and actually seek help not to be a “good” person but because I know healing is what my soul needed. I took therapy for three years to confront my childhood trauma and wounds. I never wanted to play victim in my circumstances although it has been tough to bear mentally and physically at times, I wear my scars as a badge of honor. If I can encourage others to keep pressing through but also encourage them to heal I feel like that is my way of turning that pain I endured into power and inspiring others that no matter what you go through, we go through it to help others get through.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am an inspirational hip-hop recording artist as I can also fit in the category of being a Christian hip-hop artist. I am typically known in my hometown for doing music and helping others start their musical journey. I had the opportunity to touch base with Bob Marley’s family in my secular days of music during 2013-2014. During that time I knew I was on a divine path although I hadn’t been born again. I knew there was a mantle I was carrying and a mantle that would inspire others to walk in love and spread love through the world within my message. After coming to Christ, I’ve had the opportunity to do a lot of work within my community such as serving, activism and some humanitarian work as well. To live your life within purpose is one of the most fulfilling things I can say honestly. To make music that anyone can listen to young or old, different ethnic groups or even different beliefs I create with the intention in mind to glorify my Heavenly Father and display his power at work in my life. I think what sets me apart from others is the willpower God has granted me to be authentically myself in every situation. I don’t try and follow the crowd and often times I like the challenge of being different and stepping out of my comfort zone. God has definitely allowed me to touch some incredible spaces within the Christian Hip-Hop community and meet great minds alike that have a heart for him.
Is there any advice you’d like to share with our readers who might just be starting out?
My advice to others starting out their musical journey would be not to be afraid to fail and learn through those failures. A lot of times I had this mindset of perfection and things panning out a certain way. I wish I would have know the importance of the journey within life itself instead of the destination. Once you fall in love with the journey, the moments you embrace and the people you meet along the way, the love you have to offer them and being present in those moments was the biggest thing for me and the advice I give to others first starting out. Never give up on yourself and never give up on the knowing that God has a perfect plan for your life if you trust in him to direct your footsteps on your individual path.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: instagram.com/iamcolbyjmusic
- Facebook: facebook.com/iamcolbyj
- Twitter: twitter.com/iamcolbyjmusic
- Youtube: youtube.com/@iamcolbyjmusic
- SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/iamcolbyjmusic