Today we’d like to introduce you to Erica Bryant.
Hi Erica, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
I came home from college after a poor academic performance as a student and tuition funds ran out. I attended only one summer and fall semester in 1990 and I didn’t know the plan of God for my life at that moment. I was so disappointed in my short college term that I was even contemplating going to the Navy. While working my part-time job as a food service worker my co-worker wore some custom drawn designed jeans to pick up his paycheck on his off day from work and it caught my attention. It was the same style I had seen in the hip hop videos being worn by artists like LL Cool J, Bell Biv Devoe and others…
I was inspired to learn more about the craft. I asked my co-worker’s friend who had on a pair as well and I asked him where did they get the jeans from and he told me that he did them. I asked him “How”? He told me go to the local art store and pick up some fabric markers and that’s how you draw on them. I designed my own jeans as well as a few other co-workers and family members. Jeans after jeans the orders piled on me as clients begin to request airbrush. My co-worker told me I should learn how to airbrush and I bought my first airbrush kit and begin as Erica B. Airbrush Artist in 1992. It was a challenge to learn the skill of being self-taught, but I found it to be enjoyable and fun. Although I was raised in a Christian home the enemy came in to pervert my artistic gift with the negative images of abbreviated curse words, drugs, and violent designs as requested by my clients and I did it to make more money and gain fame in my city.
I was convicted. My Mom asked me what was I airbrushing on the shirts? I was still airbrushing at home at the time. I told her and she told me if I continued that I would have to get out of their house. I didn’t have anywhere to go so, I said let me stop doing this. I went on a two days fast, repented, and cleaned up the designs. Through that experience alone God birthed the vision for Prophetic Airbrush Designs out of my spirit while in an intense moment of prayer and rededication. My Mom’s co-worker told her that my designs were “Prophetic”. I asked her what does that mean? She said your designs are God-given. I told her I think I know what I am going to name my business. I heard God say “I am making a covenant with you and therefore, I am changing your name”. The business is now called… “Prophetic Airbrush” artwork inspired by God. Designs was given as a prophetic word through my friend for expansion while designing the first business cards for the new venture.
Now, I had a renewed focused. I was dissatisfied with the negative images that accompanied the music and I saw how other airbrushers didn’t care if they airbrushed negativity as long as they got the money, but I wasn’t going to be a part of that narrative. I was determined not to compromise my gift and talent to continue to fuel the problem that already existed. God gave me a vision to spread the gospel through the gift He gave me in art.
So, now I have this mission. I made a commitment to the Lord and as soon as I did the same gang members and drug dealers I airbrushed designs for threatened my life all because I wanted to stand by my own personal conviction as God told me. I just stood my ground and of course with prayer, I managed to help most of them change their minds to get a different design and I continued to witness through the business in the city by delivering airbrushed products to gang members, drug dealers, and misguided youth. Salvation and prayer was the final result.
Since 1992 there have been so many opportunities that have opened up for me use the airbrush in a fun and positive way. I travel with my volunteer team to airbrush at festivals, events, youth baseball parks to paint helmets, design wall murals, etc.
Now, I am on a quest to share what I learned as an Airbrush Artist by teaching the youth how to do this. I recently created an Art Scholarship in memory of my dear friend’s son as well as my friend to offer to students who would like to learn how to airbrush, custom paint sneakers and more. 30 years in this field has taught me some valuable lessons not only as an Artist but as a gifted Artisan that your gift can truly make a difference when you look outside of yourself. My mission is clear… “Change the faces of lives~one paint stroke, one line, and one color at a time”.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
It has definitely not been a smooth road. I started airbrushing at my parent’s home from my bedroom and I did that for 16 years still working part-time jobs until I moved into my first storefront location. The first six months was ok and the next full year I struggled to make the rent which I got behind on and experienced eviction and a lawsuit for back payment. I literally lost everything. My bank accounts were all drained by the lawyers who represented the Landlord, my only vehicle stopped working properly and I moved my art back home with all of my equipment moved to storage. I would file bankruptcy. Found another job and I actually got back into doing the hand-painted artwork. It took about two years and I eventually pursued the airbrushing again and I haven’t looked back since.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a 29 years Professional Airbrush Artist. I create and design custom airbrush art on materials and products such as T-Shirts, jeans, shoes, hats, license plates, wall murals, vehicles and batting helmets and more.
I specialize in this one specific art medium, but I would say I am well known as an Airbrush Artist with a strong following for my custom airbrushed and painted footwear.
I motivate, mentor and teach youth and Young Adults. I teach them the airbrush skill, how to paint on footwear as well as guide them through the business strategies as an Entrepreneur in the areas of marketing and promoting their art, growing their business as well as understanding how to price their art.
I am set apart in my field as one of a hand full of black female airbrush artists. This field is male-dominated and not as many women of color who have embraced this particular art path as a career.
I am a well-established as a 29 years Airbrush Professional. I am still under the guidance of business, art and spiritual mentors.
My brand has lasted through several generations while maintaining a trendy, relevant, fashionable outlook through the changing times.
I am most proud of the fact that I can see the work I have done has changed people’s lives and even a smile on their faces. I have seen this Art move people to tears which is so touching. The fact that others want to learn from me is amazing and to hear someone share how I inspire them is all to the glory of God.
In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
My industry has been around since the 1960’s and the things I see now being created with these same art tools is amazing. The sneaker industry has brought even more artists to the forefront because that in itself is a billion-dollar industry. I believe we will see more artists turning into manufacturers or creating their own line of custom-designed footwear, apparel and digital art with the look of airbrush will continue to evolve.
Contact Info:
- Email: ericab2229@gmail.com
- Website: www.propheticairbrush.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericabkicks/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057322367861
- Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/padesigns1995
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfV3PG1_49HZO3rutOZgoxw
Image Credits
Erica B Logo by Anthony Turner