Today we’d like to introduce you to Malik Ali.
Hi Malik, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My story begins in New York City, where I moved after attending college in Texas. The education that I received informs the way that I work today. New York provides access to some of the most thought-provoking and challenging work. As a young actor, I soaked up as much experience as I could muster at that given time. In truth, I learned more from the setbacks and disappointments than the successes. I’ve always been in a position of mentorship and coaching to some degree. I worked as an AVID Tutor (Advancement Via Individual Determination) while in college. This program connects middle and high school students to college students and helps prepare them for the transition to higher education. I remember falling in love with this process of helping people navigate not only the school setting but life. While pursuing my acting career, I would often help my fellow actor friends with auditions. As I began to deeper understand the craft and the process of acting, my friends via my coaching booked gigs. At the time, I thought nothing of it, it was part of the journey and we all helped each other out. Fast forward. I have my first child Zayn. I had to seriously contemplate raising a child in New York City. Ultimately, I decided to relocate to Atlanta because it was a middle road between New York and Los Angeles. Little did I know this would prove to be one of the best decisions of my life.
The industry in Atlanta was/is growing rapidly and there is so much opportunity to build. I found the community to be absolutely welcoming. I was seeking a more balanced life during this time and decided to consciously make teaching/coaching a priority in my life. I love the art of storytelling and wanted to share that passion with other passionate actors. I worked as an instructor at Anthony Meindl’s Actor’s Workshop which helped me to better understand the way that I want to approach the work. By working with diverse groups and levels of talents, I was able to put in the valuable practice of working with actors in a supportive and collaborative way. After spending two years there, I wanted to branch out and continue to grow my vision. I decided to gather a small group of students for weekly practice at my house. Our group grew and from there Acts of Freedom was born. We had a very grassroots start and worked diligently. Some of the students began to book work and through word of mouth more students began to attend class on a regular basis. It’s an ongoing process of trial and error and I feel like we are still only in our infancy. I believe in lifelong learning so I approach life as a student. I am always seeking ways to improve and grow. We are now in a shared space with The FORWARD Agency in Midtown. I think the role of a coach is valuable. Navigating life by ourselves limits our perspective and ultimately our happiness.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Absolutely not! Smooth would be the last word I would use. My journey has had countless setbacks, both personal and professional. As an actor/artist/Human being, struggle can be a constant companion. My passion for teaching came from the realization that while I lived in New York the biggest struggle I faced was a lack of mentorship and a lack of guidance. I had fantastic opportunities that I wasn’t able to enjoy because I had no one to walk me through the process. I had the courage to walk into the room, but support was the vital missing piece. My lack of community momentarily destroyed my passion and led me to step away from acting and redefine what it meant to me. I had lost the artistry and was consumed by the industry. It’s easy to get caught up in being defined by what you do or what gig you booked. I had forgotten why I started doing it in the first place. I love the craft of acting, and that passion has empowered my teaching. We need people in our corner to keep us grounded and focused as we navigate life. I’ve taught many classes where only one person showed up and that was a serious blow to my ego starting out. It made me constantly question am I doing the right thing? Can I really do this? I’ve taught countless classes and coached numerous private sessions for free. I worked as a barista to supplement my income. The pandemic! List goes on and on but I’ve learned valuable lessons through the struggle. Without the alchemical process of struggle, we can’t appreciate success. It gave me a deeper insight into myself and taught me to love the work. The struggles helped me create a more authentic relationship to the industry and I’m eternally grateful for the journey thus far.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
My work consists of teaching, coaching, and mentoring actors. What I do depends on where the actors are in their process. I teach weekly classes that focus on On-Camera audition techniques that I like to think of as a workout session for the actors. Using current sides from TV projects, we work to sharpen our auditioning technique. We break downsides, focus on understanding the text as it has been written, make audacious choices for our character, and then apply ACTIONS. Auditioning is the actor’s primary “job” so why not make it a fun process!? I also teach an eight-week scene study intensive. It is an intensive look into the process of dedicating time to one scene. Coaching and mentoring is for the students who are actively working and auditioning consistently but may not have the schedule flexibility to be in class. We work together to submit the best possible auditions. We develop the character as they prepare for the shoot. One-on-one coaching has led to many opportunities such as directing, producing, story development, and script supervision on films and theater projects. I love all aspects of this work and the diversity it can expose one to. I specialize in working in a way that honors the story as it has been written. My students would probably tell you that I am known for my passion. I absolutely love the work. No gimmicks and no bullshit. Stories have the ability to heal and uplift the human spirit. I am most proud of the people who have participated in the community. I can’t do this work by myself and truly, I don’t take the credit for it. My accomplishments are supported by collaboration and I am so grateful to be blessed with this opportunity.
Are there any books, apps, podcasts or blogs that help you do your best?
I am an avid reader! Reading is my favorite pastime. Some of my favorite books I’ve read this year are:
Atomic Habits by James Clear.
The Buddha and The Badass by Vishen Lakhiani
The Intent to Live by Larry Moss
Yoga from the Inside Out by Christina Sell
Born to Run by Christopher McDougall
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami
Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama
Favorite Podcast Currently are:
The Rich Roll Podcast
The Wild with Chris Morgan
Louder Than A Riot
Contact Info:
- Email: info@malikjali.com
- Website: https://www.malikjali.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/malikjali/
Image Credits:
Corryn Goldschmidt