Today we’d like to introduce you to Ty’shanna Hayes.
Hi Ty’shanna, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Coming from a very small town of only about 6,000 people, I always knew I wanted more out of life. I knew that my hometown wasn’t able to produce the results I needed in life to become the person I wanted to be. So I put together a five years plan which included graduating high school, going to college, and moving to Atlanta. Shortly after receiving my Bachelor’s in Theater Performance and a minor in Business Administration, I did exactly what I said I would, I relocated to my dream home!!
Coming to Atlanta to start a new life is not as easy as it looks or as people make it seem. I had no family, friends, and no place to live. I was staying in a different hotel every other night, not to mention I was unemployed with only a couple thousand saved up. BUT I had a plan and God was my provider. Within the first couple of days here, I got a job at Amazon working 7pm-7am. I always told myself I will never work a warehouse job or night shift, well never say never. I was working two jobs and doing background work on different productions in Atlanta while living out of a hotel. Sounds messy right? Well, It was. I went through so many jobs from Amazon to a pizza place to serving to managing. I even tried working at Mcdonald’s!! I was literally hustling so hard just to pay for a hotel to sleep in. After about three months of being homeless, I found a homeowner who was willing to rent me a room in her house. Then 3 months later I was signing the lease to my very own apartment in Atlanta. Everything I prayed for was coming to pass. A couple of weeks after moving in I hit a hard spot. I was working two jobs again, and I wore myself out. I went into a state of depression and I quit both of my jobs. This helped me realize that the reason I couldn’t keep a 9-5 is because I am a creative at heart and that is what keeps me happy. So God blessed me with The Vessel Brand, a brand that impacts, influences, and motivates others. I started creating content on all social media platforms.
I fell in love with content creation and started creating content for different brands. Now here I am a year and a half later I am running two growing businesses, I have more brand deals, I’m working in the film industry more, and I even started modeling. Balancing so many things can be a burden sometimes, but when you mix your passion with your purpose, it makes it all worth it. Creating is my passion, and helping others grow spiritually is my purpose. As I continue to become that person I always dreamed I’d be, I will never forget coming here and making something out of nothing. I’m nowhere near where I want to be, but I am definitely not where I used to be. When I got the email to do this interview I was like, “Me?, I’m not even that successful yet, I’m still trying to figure it all out”. Then I realized that just because I don’t drive a 2022 Range Rover, live in a high-rise penthouse, rocking the Fendi, Louis, Gucci, Prada does not mean I’m not worthy of telling my story. It does not mean that I am not successful. Success is not defined by the car you drive, the house you live in, or the clothes you wear. Success is when you have the ability to make something out of nothing, success is accomplishing all the goals you set five years ago, success is when you make it one step closer to becoming that better version of yourself. And if that is what success is then that is me, successful enough.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
This journey has not been easy at all. Financially, I was struggling real bad! (In JT,s voice) I could not afford to live in Atlanta. The jobs wasn’t paying enough or maybe I wasn’t working enough. Either way, the math was not mathing at all. I was working hard and still not making enough. My account hit below zero so many times! I remember getting my first eviction notice thinking what am I going to do. Luckily I had a couple of family members who were able to help me. I learned that if you are going to make it out here you have to WORK really HARD for what you want. It will not just be handed to you unless you are a scammer and take other people’s money, lol! But it was the hardships that molded me into the women that I am today. I always tell people thank God for the storm because it is in that storm where you become the greater version of yourself. Atlanta is different, you really have to learn how to live all over again, and now that I’ve done that, I can finally say I found my place here. My next challenge is walking into the next season of my life here because I don’t want to get complacent or stagnated. it’s time to take it up a notch.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
This is a hard question because I do a lot! I have a cleaning company, a Christian apparel brand, a content creator, actress, model, and a server of the Kingdom. Currently, I am most known for The Vessel Brand and Acting.
The Vessel Brand is a brand for those who lack spiritual guidance. Our goal is to impact, influence, and motivate individuals nationwide and give then light in dark spaces through apparel, ministry, and media. We recently announced our second annually Help The Homeless Stay Warm Fundraiser. Our goal is to raise money to provide those that are less fortunate with clothes, blankets, and socks this fall and winter. You can follow us @The_vesselbrand on all socials to join us this season as we give back. While this brand allows me to live through my purpose, acting allows me to live through my passion.
I always knew I wanted to act. When I was in grade school, I would talk to myself all the time and act out movies. My imagination was so vivid I allowed myself to see the world in a whole new way. This aspect allowed me to escape the reality of life and be a whole new person, and that’s why I chose acting. Acting is a hard industry to get in and it can take years before you actually get your big break, but when you really want it you give it your all and that’s the place that I’m in right now. I’m giving it my all while also pursuing all the other responsibilities I have. I learned the hard way that passion won’t pay your bills in the beginning so I had to create a business that would.
That’s how I came up with Keep It Clean. It is an Atlanta-based cleaning company proving top-tier cleaning services at a budget-friendly price. Within the first week of starting my company, we were already generating revenue. I advise anyone, start a business while you pursue your passion because you don’t wanna go broke while trying to do what you love. Do whatever you got to do, just don’t give up!
Content creation is another one of the many commitments I have. It’s one of those things that make you money and make you happy. I love, love, love creating content. You probably heard of this new concept going around called UGC, well that is exactly what I mean my content creation. UGC is short for User Generated Content, it’s where brands pay you up to thousands of dollars to create content that they use utilize on their platforms. You literally get paid to make videos, it is the greatest idea yet! If you didn’t know now I’m telling you, start UGC today!!
I know you’re probably wondering how I balance it all. Well, the answer is you don’t. A balanced life is a boring life, because who wants to have it all together? I rather have my life fall apart because that is where you find the beauty! There is beauty is the brokenness!
We’d love to hear about how you think about risk taking?
Risk is the exact thing that’s going to get you where you want to be in life. If you are afraid to take risks then you are afraid of growth. Nothing good ever came out of fear and you can’t allow fear to keep you from success. Me moving to Atlanta was a risk I wasn’t afraid to take because I knew that this risk had growth attached to it. It was one of the biggest risks I ever took but look at me now. I’m better than I was last year. You have to ask yourself If I don’t take this risk what will the outcome be? But instead, we ask ourselves If I take this risk what will the outcome be. We become so afraid of what could happen that we miss out on what could happen! Some of you missed that one. Don’t miss out on what could be. We can’t waste time trying to calculate the outcome of every decision, take that risk and pray for the best because you never know where it will lead you.
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