Today we’d like to introduce you to Amber Connor.
Hi Amber, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
This business started before I even realized it was a business. I have always had a passion for baking, ever since I was a little girl! My husband and I had a Business Called Natural Truth Nutrition where we used to do meal plans for people who were looking to compete and who were just interested in living a healthy lifestyle!
When I was a nutrition coach, I would always share healthy dessert and breakfast recipes with my clients to help them with their meal planning. I didn’t want them to feel like they were on such a strict diet that they couldn’t stick to it. This is how I started creating healthy recipes for myself and others. My clients would always tell me that they appreciated me sharing it, but they would rather me make it and they would just pay me for it! Well being a competitor myself, having a one-year-old and working as a trainer and nutrition coach, I didn’t have time for much else!!
Fast forward to 2020, when COVID happened. I was working as a head Personal trainer at a gym, had a one and 1/2 year old and was pregnant with our second child. We had just found out it was a little girl a couple of days earlier when tragedy struck and we lost her at 16 weeks!! It was by far one of the hardest things I have ever been through. The world was shutting down, I had just lost my baby and the only thing that helped me through it was BAKING!!!
I started baking every day just a stress reliever and then started sharing it with family and friends. They started sharing it on Facebook and Instagram and more and more people started reaching out to me asking me if I could bake for them as well. That is when SINLESS SWEETS was created!!! I wanted to help people stay on track with their diets and meal plans, but also wanted to give them healthy breakfast and dessert options that they could enjoy without feeling guilty about it.
I would get up each morning, fulfill orders and then pack up my one-year-old and drive around and deliver goodies to people when they couldn’t leave their homes. We did this most days, so I could help provide for my family when the gym was shut down and I didn’t have an income coming in.
I started taking everyday recipes for cookies, cakes, dessert bars and pastries and turning them into my own healthy recipes. I changed out the flours, sugars, and all the high-carb ingredients to make them healthy, sugar-free, low carb and keto.
I love helping people and seeing them succeed in their weight loss journey. One of my favorite things about my job though is specializing in healthy, dairy-free, vegan and gluten-free options so little kids with allergies who have never been able to have cake before, are able to have cake on their birthday!!
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Definitely not! We have had our ups and downs as any business I’m sure does!
This business started in my home, then we moved to a food truck and then we opened a storefront..all within 2 years!
I honestly feel very blessed for how far this business has come in such a short amount of time.
I would say some of the main struggles We have had has been construction (actually opening the store), I think we fell 4 months behind schedule, finding a kitchen to bake in while we were running our food truck and of course, the stressors of just running an everyday business!
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We are a HEALTHY bakery!! We take your everyday favorite breakfast and dessert items and make the healthy version of them. All of our items are keto, low-carb, sugar-free and gluten-free. We even offer Vegan and dairy-free options!!
I love creating dessert bars, cheesecakes, brownies, candies, cakes and cupcakes. I would have to say that my favorite thing, is getting into the kitchen with an “idea” and making it coming to life. Experimenting is probably my favorite thing to do!!
Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
I would love to get more into the catering side of things!! That would be a way I would love to expand my business. Also, I want to get more into shipping. We offer some shipping options now but I would love to grow this company national wide.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.sinless-sweet.com
- Instagram: @sinlesssweettreats
- Facebook: @sinlesssweettreats