Today we’d like to introduce you to Denise Battle.
Hi Denise, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hello Everyone, my name is Denise Nicole Battle and I am an opera singer/ vocalist. It all started on vacation with my folks when I was around 5 or 6. The Bodyguard was on tv at the hotel we were staying, and I saw Whitney Houston and instantly fell in love. Her voice, her presence, and just how poised she looked had me in a trance. I told my mom I wanted to sound like her and be a singer after that. I started to sing in church and go with my dad to nursing homes where he would minister to the residents and I would often sing songs to them, which was therapeutic. I think singing in that way resonated and made me realize the connection I shared with people when I sang. I didn’t start taking voice lessons until I was in high school and my voice teacher at the time introduced me to opera.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It definitely has not been the smoothest and I am still working on ironing out a few challenges. For one, patience has been the biggest lesson for me. Not just with my interesting career journey but with my vocal development and being secure with my sound. All through college, I struggled with feeling as if my voice was enough. I felt like I had to overcompensate or do more than what was needed because I thought that was the way to get people’s attention and approval. It wasn’t until 2020 that I finally began to accept my voice and, overall, myself completely. I also dealt with a lot of rejection. I was offered two auditions with the Metropolitan Opera for two separate shows and in both auditions, I didn’t make the cut. Initially, I felt very defeated and torn because I worked so hard and spoke into existence that I would sing at the Met by a certain age for certain productions. But what I’m learning and continue to learn is not take things personally and that it’s all a part of the ride. Everything works out in its timing and what may not work for one period of time will work for another down the line.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Initially, I didn’t want to sing in that style because I thought it wasn’t for people who looked like me. I didn’t see black people singing opera where I was from but it definitely opened doors for me in the years to follow. I was introduced to vocal technique during my undergraduate years at Norfolk State University and from then on the rest is history. I had the opportunity to study overseas, open for Stevie Wonder, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, in addition to singing with a few opera companies and churches during my time in New York City. I’ve also sang background vocals for Lalah Hathaway. All my experiences from singing in church at a young age to exposing my community to opera in the present day, made me the artist that I am today. I have a business, Denise Nicole Battle, LLC where I teach virtually and in person for all ages and work heavily with incorporating a solid vocal technique with breathing, articulation, and diction. My goal is to create spaces (buildings, workshops, stages, etc.) for singers from all walks of life emotionally, physically and spiritually. In addition to teaching, I am in the process of creating more spaces and events for opera exposure in the 757. I teach all ages from 7 years old to 76 and have experience from amateurs to professionals. Some of my students are recording artists, professional singers like myself and worship leaders at their churches.
Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
First off, I have to give credit to God for blessing me with this gift. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for him. My family and close friends are next because they ALWAYS support me in the good, bad, and ugly. They keep me going. But I have to give a special shout-out to my voice teacher, Alison Buchanan. She lives and breathes performance and doesn’t restrict her talents in any realm. Alison influences me to not just be a better singer, but overall a better artist.
Contact Info:
- Website: denisebattlesings.com
- Instagram: @denise_nicoleb
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW6f3EFdGZNxTpqe3Yok7Ew
Image Credits
Black Women In Opera GotBlacklisted Julian Clayton