Today we’d like to introduce you to Jasmine Martin.
Hi Jasmine, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
When I was a kid, I always loved creative things. At first, it was dance and I convinced myself I was going to be a ballerina.
Then, I had a small acting phase, I really wanted to be on Disney Channel.
I had always idealized creativity. Then I went to middle school and came out of a shell of a human being. My mental health was the worst it was in my entire life.
Then I reached high school, not really knowing what I wanted to do. Then I fell in love with writing and drawing. I wasn’t the greatest artists but when I put those emotions, I had into my writing or my art, so many people praised me for it. It’s probably the only way I could be vulnerable and it feel like it had purpose and that I was actually being heard.
Yet, I needed to think of a way to eventually monetize my creative efforts. I essentially realized that graphic design was something I had been doing but never considered it until I had friends ask me to design Youtube Banners and logos for their aspiring channels.
Once I realized that I could really create a brand, I ran with it. I was convinced that I was going to be a designer, a writer, whatever I could do be my ultimate best creative self.
I’m still trying to figure out my end goals. I still design and I do a lot of social media work. Yet, I still have so many passions I’ve yet to explore. We’ll see where I end up.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
No, never had my life been a smooth road. I mentioned mental health before and that’s been one of the biggest obstacles of my life. For so long, I never felt good enough, pretty enough, smart enough and that people would treat me that way because of that. Now that I’m older, I really feel bad for little me. She really didn’t deserve all the things that happened to her. Life sucks, and people suck. But art was the way out for me and I’ve been running with that ever since.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
So, I am a designer right now! I do social media marketing also. I really pride myself of being to communicate the passion within and bringing out to my projects. I create things with a purpose for people to feel and to connect. There’s so much more to an image than what you see, it’s all about what you feel too.
We’re always looking for the lessons that can be learned in any situation, including tragic ones like the Covid-19 crisis. Are there any lessons you’ve learned that you can share?
Dude, communicate! Communication is so important! You can lose so many opportunities by not saying anything. Always be willing to say something because even though it might scare you, a whole world can open to you through that.
Contact Info:
- Email: jasminemartin168@gmail.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/jas.afia
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/jas_afia
Image Credits
Designs Created through Adobe Photoshop + Canva