Today we’d like to introduce you to Jenifer Goldin.
Jenifer, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I enjoyed writing from a young age. I used to read my stories to all the classes in elementary school. I submitted stories to magazines in my teens. I took creative writing instead of English 101 in college. I began my first book in my twenties. No one had personal computers back then. I wrote everything in multiple spiral-bound notebooks. Then life happened – career, marriage, kids. Twenty years after reading “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert, a tale about the mysterious nature of inspiration, I unpacked my pile of hand-written notebooks and turned them into a novel- not Anonymous Mom Posts, but my very first finished book.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
No, it has not been a smooth road. More like one covered in multiple potholes! Lots of rejections and a couple of moments when I thought my writing career was about to take off, but then nothing happened. But I kept going with guidance from my favorite thought leaders. Glennon Doyle- “The braver I am the luckier I get” Brene Brown- “We can choose courage or comfort, but we can’t choose both” Elizabeth Gilbert – “What do you love doing so much that the words failure and success become irrelevant? I know in my heart this book has an audience and my goal is to find them.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Anonymous Mom Posts is my first release but one in a series of books I am writing on mom culture.
Will anonymous Facebook posts expose the secrets of a picture-perfect community?
It’s perfect book club fiction. But it’s so much more than a snarky take on motherhood. The book explores complicated friendships, the pressures of motherhood, challenging marriages, and the path to self-acceptance. It’s a book with a soul.
I think I’m going to set myself apart by planting my flag so to speak in the mom culture genre- what I call “momming”. “Momming” is the crazy whirl of thoughts, emotions, and tasks that encompass motherhood. Things like eating goldfish and wine for dinner, crying out in pain after stepping on legos, getting soaked with rain while loading your stroller back into the car, running a taxi service for your kids. There is a famous author who writes in the niche but she’s one of the only ones out there I see doing it. My goal is to write an entire series of books deliberately and obviously for moms. My next release, coming this fall is Moms Who Read Romance Novels. I love it and I think moms will have fun reading it.
Alright, so to wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
Yes, keep up with my publishing journey You’ll receive the first few chapters of Anonymous Mom Posts in your email when signing up for my newsletter.
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