Today we’d like to introduce you to Nasahrhette Gbawa.
Hi Nasahrhette, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Thank you for featuring me. I am an Spirit Medium, Spiritual Mentor, and Public speaker who helps people connect to their ancestors so they can clear any generational debris and expand generational gifts that live within the DNA code.
If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be an ancestor medium that helps people connect to their ancestors, I would have looked at you as if you were insane. Ten years ago, I was very religious but living a life that was deeply unfulfilling. I was on mood-enhancing pharmaceuticals, 265 pounds, in an unhappy marriage, working an unfulfilling job, and feeling like it may be time to exit this Earth experience.
Suicidal ideation is deep in my bloodline and I couldn’t find my way to peace and happiness. The only thing that stopped me was my children. I was not raised by my parents and that left a deep sense of abandonment issues that I didn’t want my children to experience.
So I chose to numb myself with food, alcohol, and cannabis so that I could bear the unbearable life I was living. However, in 2015 I began to wake up between the hours of 3 am-5 am, and no amount of cannabis or alcohol would help me sleep. Even the sleep drugs I was taking wouldn’t work. At that point, I began to research what I was experiencing and I learned that these are the hours when Spirit is the most active! Some call these the witching hours, but really it is when your melatonin receptors are the most open to receiving unknown information from the Universe.
So I stopped attempting to go to sleep during this time and I would just sit, cry, try to hear, and try to connect with what was being said to me. And when I surrendered to the messages I was receiving, my life slowly began to change. My life became a crumb trail of synchronicities and signs that has led me to many spiritual gifts.
In 2016 after spending a year in solitude trying to understand what was happening to me, I was led to an article about the Orisha Oshun (deity of the Yoruba tradition of Ifa).
I was instructed by Spirit to reach out to my sister to see if she knew anything about Oshun. She introduced me to her spiritual godmother. The Iya immediately recognized my gift to hear and see ancestors and told me that if I didn’t accept my gift, that it would lead to further mental instability.
That conversation changed my life and I began to accept my experiences as not only a gift but my life’s mission. There is no such thing as death. The Spirit only transitions from one body form to another. Ancestors are walking this planet, and they live within our DNA code. The study of transgenerational epigenetics tells us that we don’t just look like our ancestors, we embody their pain, incomplete cycles, traumas, and their abilities that were undiscovered.
We are literally our ancestors in drag. We are the mask that our ancestors wear in order to move past cycles, release karmic runoff in the bloodline, and expand the gifts that lie dormant in our DNA code. Without ancestor work, we remain in states of psychosis unable to orient ourselves in this 3D reality. Understanding and embodying these truths has allowed me to come into a state of wholeness that allows me to transcend the rollercoaster that Earth provides us in order for us to explore our attachments and awaken from the illusion of separateness that keeps human beings in states of suffering.
I like to describe myself as a lighthouse, illuminating YOUR mind, helping you to dispel your fears and guide you towards Conscious Growth & Awareness.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
The road to greatness is never smooth, nor should it be. One of the greatest lessons we can learn is that challenges and obstacles are a part of our experience. In IFA, we are taught that you create your Earth team. Some of those team members are here to support and uplift you. Some of your team are here to provide contradiction so you can learn more about what you desire.
So I long detached myself from the idea of smooth roads. Smooth roads are bridges to stagnation. The human is deeply connected to comfort and ease and the avoidance of pain. I don’t look for easy roads, I look for the roads that bring me the greatest growth and awakening.
One never wars with others, the only war is with self. I mentioned that we are our ancestors in drag. On a deeper level, we are just one being in drag. Struggle strengthens you and builds muscles for the future.
There is only one challenge to overcome in this life and that is the challenge to overcome societal and generational conditioning that lives in our bodies and our minds. So daily, I work to release any idea that doesn’t align with what I want to create. When you transmute struggle, life begins to open up in the juiciest of ways. Struggle is resistance. So if you’re struggling, ask yourself what you are resisting. Are you trying to avoid the pain of change, acceptance, or oneness? When you get real about this, you no longer view people and situations as obstacles to overcome, but you see situations as lessons for ascension and transcendence.
Struggle is an idea that we all should throw away and get into the juicy experiences that our soul created so that we can become one again!
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I help you reclaim your ancestral gifts and release outdated ancestral behavioral patterns so you can easily align with your path to purpose! Life must be discovered through experiential experimentation. I help my clients harmonize with the ups and downs of life and have a more enjoyable journey on the path to the realization of purpose & destiny.
My clients achieve success by using my three-point system of destiny alignment that I call the S.E.A. method. The S.E.A. method stands for Sacred Reprogramming, Energy Reconstruction, & Ancestral Reclamation.
Sacred Reprogramming. The body is ancient and has a very sophisticated autopilot system that is pre-programmed with certain ancestral gifts and ancestral coping mechanisms. Sacred reprogramming means accessing levels of consciousness and rewiring them with newer more updated messages that make it easier to align with your purpose & destiny.
Energy Reconstruction. Tribe members are taught about their energy anatomy and how it relates to their physical vessels. Students learn how to perceive energy, how to manipulate it for maximum alignment, how to use Yoga to move energy out of the body, and how to balance the body’s 12 energy centers.
Ancestral Reclamation. Our ancestors offer us the ability to reconnect with the spirit world and gain support so that we can make more sense of the world. I work with your ancestors to tap into the rites, rituals, and traditions that kept us connected to our soul’s identity and purpose. This is where everyone’s journey takes a unique path! Reconnecting with our ancestral ways of living allows us to reclaim the ancestral gifts and memories that were lost through years of cultural amnesia and transgenerational trauma.
S.E.A. integrates the self and soul. The literal sea symbolizes “peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues” and this method aligns us with our origins.
Sacred texts say the symbol of “the sea” is similar to that seen in the beasts rising out of the sea and out of the earth as stated in the sacred text in Revelations. The Sea designates origination, representing the realm of the earth.
Going to sea symbolizes abandoning a life of comfort and ease in search of some greater ambition. Using the S.E.A. method will allow anyone to connect with their holy team so they can abandon the illusion of comfort and ease and begin to search for your greater purpose.
This is what I offer people that work with me. An integrated way of bringing their life into focus.
Can you share something surprising about yourself?
That I don’t give advice. This is the largest adjustment that people have when they work with me. They want me to tell them what to do. But everyone has a unique destiny and consciousness. Many healers look at what they did to overcome and they become one-trick ponies in that “niche”.
I overcame with ancestors, but ancestors are part of a larger soul curriculum. I believe that is the beauty of working with a mentor like me. I’m tapping into your soul source, DNA code, and ancestral lineage so that we can repair your SOUL’S SYSTEM OF OPERATION.
What works for one tribe member will not work for another. I could have two members in toxic relationships and they are for totally different reasons. Remember your soul chose EVERYTHING, so I have to tap into that frequency in order to help.
- $5 – Ancestral Healing Community for those just dabbling and want to learn more
- $10 – Ancestral Healing Community with minimal monthly support for newbies who are ready to start a practice.
- $29.99 – Group support for those who want to work in a cohort for healing.
- $39.99 – Those who want 1:1 monthly minimal support.
- $122 – Those who are ready to be immersed in practice.
- $49 – $333 – Various Self Paced Courses to learn more about living spiritually
Contact Info:
- Website: http://www.nasabawa.com/ancestralhealingcircle.html
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nasabawa22/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NasaBAWA22/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nasahrhettebawa/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/NasahrhetteBawa
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxRoIvTPxLippxw7qVuYh7A
- Other: https://nasabawa.us4.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=d7071fb368d461e8597bde5a9&id=6b3e014369
Image Credits
Photos by Trinity Mitchell