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Exploring Life & Business with Dr. Karen Tedeschi of Advanced Wellness of Atlanta

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Karen Tedeschi.

Hi Dr. Karen, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I have been a chiropractor for over 25 years. I didn’t grow up with holistic modalities rather, it was something I came across in my own healing journey. When I was a teenager, I was hit by a car. From that point on, I had back pain, diminished range of motion in my hip, and compromised blood flow and immune function. The pain became my new normal.

In fact, it was a couple of years before I even thought it might be possible to not have any pain. I decided to get healthy; I started running, became a vegetarian, and began studying to be a massage therapist. I transformed this pain into purpose. This was the beginning of me dedicating my life to helping others.

From there I discovered chiropractic and decided to go back to school to achieve this dream. I remember sitting around the dinner table at Thanksgiving telling my family my plans to become a chiropractor when I learned that my great-grandmother was a chiropractor in New York! She practiced the 40s and 50s and was way ahead of her time. While I didn’t grow up in that world, I carry it in my DNA.

Because I have had so many other studies in reiki, massage, and other healing modalities, I have always had an integrative practice where I look at the body as a whole.

Today, I know that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. As I have watched toxic exposure increase in our daily lives, from pesticides and pollution to heavy metals and poor diet, I have focused my practice on testing, looking at what is going on chemically in the body, and helping patients create their unique path forward.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I decided right away to go into practice on my own. Although this was not a bad idea, I would not recommend it to everyone because I have made nearly every mistake in the book! As a business owner and healer, I found it took time to find my rhythm. Overall, all these struggles have been worth it. I go to the office each day excited to see my patients and help them get the answers for which they’ve been searching.

As you know, we’re big fans of Advanced Wellness of Atlanta. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
I have a lot of people who find me after they have been sick for a while and are unable to find relief. Typically, people come in with either a pain in their body like lower back pain or stomach, thyroid, or hormone issues. Often they have gained weight, feel tired, and have tried different modalities in their search for healing.

Even though some people’s symptoms might be the same, each person is individual. What works for you might not work for another person. It is my job to find what works for you. By looking at all aspects of the body, the structural, the chemical, and the emotional, we create a unique plan to restore the body to balance.

Testing plays a huge role in my practice. We run a lot of bloodwork. Our Comprehensive Blood Panel has over 55 different tests and gives the best baseline picture for overall health. Other common tests include food sensitivities tests, hormone panels, GI maps, and toxicity testing.

We integrate what the tests reflect back to us with how the body functions. For example, I can actually demonstrate to you how gluten could create lower back pain. The education piece is huge. I spend time with my patients to explain how their body works and why we do what we do. They get the tools they need to make daily choices that support their health and wellbeing. Small steps add up!

I work a lot with what people eat. I think it’s one of the most important ways people can feel empowered about their health. I run a program called The Sugar Free Solution which is a 6 Week group coaching and lecture program where we go through a 30 day reset from sugar.

Lastly, we have what we call “Synergistic Therapies,” meaning they work well alongside someone’s treatment or as a standalone experience. These include detoxification footbath, light therapy, and cymatherapy (sound healing).

Any big plans?
If everything could happen how I wanted, there would be another doctor working with me so that we can expand our reach. I would spend more time educating patients, something that I am currently doing through the program The Sugar Free Solution.

I am also in the process of creating a “How to Build your Holistic Medicine Cabinet” program which will be an ongoing seminar that helps people be prepared for anything that might come their way! Please join my email list to stay up-to-date with the happenings.

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