Today we’d like to introduce you to Quinnetta Claytor, MHA, SBSP.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
At Q. Clay, we believe in transforming good people into exceptional professionals, and we provide a number of services geared towards personal and professional advancement such as strategic business planning, executive coaching, brand management, resume revisions, portfolio development, mock interviewing and motivational speaking.
With over 12 years of healthcare executive and consulting experience, I have always possessed an innate affinity for helping people through their matters whether they be personal or professional. My friends, family, and colleagues always come to me for advice on “what would you do if” or “how would you navigate this situation” so it was a natural fit for me to create a business platform to positively impact as many people as possible given my unique business acumen and personal experiences.
I possess a global perspective geared towards professional and personal advancement having been born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa, and having resided in Iowa City, IA, Richmond, VA, Washington DC, and most recently Houston, TX. Throughout my professional career with a Fortune 100 company, I have gained insurmountable experience and exposure in hospital operations, business development, strategic planning, and personal & professional development in its entirety. I represent every professional eager to expand their horizons through strategic goal setting and self-development, reflection & introspection. I launched Q. Clay to be a vessel for progressive change and a positive impact in every individual’s life that I encounter. I am passionate about transforming good people into exceptional professionals and inspiring, motivating, and empowering people across every background, ethnicity, and industry.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
The journey has not always been easy and I have had to navigate the losses, the “no’s”, the “what-if’s”, and the “shoulda, coulda, woulda’s”. As the saying goes, hindsight is always 20/20. But I always remember, if it’s worth it…it won’t be easy and what is truly for you will never miss you. For those very reasons, I continue to maintain an attitude of gratitude throughout the wins and the losses, the highs and the lows, and the peaks and the valleys…it all shapes my ever-evolving story.
3 Major Life Lessons that I have learned along the way.
1. Identify your special sauce and dip every fry in it! What I mean by your “special sauce” is determining your unique value proposition – your strengths, your experiences, your exposure, your perspectives that make you distinctively you – that is your POWER! Be confident, courageous, and bold in that notion.
2. Surround yourself with ambitious life learners who will challenge and refine you. Create a personal/professional Board of Trustees, individuals that you can rely on for advice and guidance. Appreciate the colleagues and friends that celebrate your wins and also respectfully call you out when you need to make adjustments, that means that they genuinely care.
3. Most times, it’s never personal…in life, in love, in business. How people show up. How people react. What people do or don’t do most times really has nothing to do with you. Some people unknowingly project their fears & insecurities onto other people, so never take it personally.
As you know, we’re big fans of Q. Clay Strategies & Solutions. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
My relatability, compassion, emotional intelligence, and my ability to see potential in everyone set me apart as a certified business strategist and executive coach. With over 12 years of experience in diverse, relational industries, I am able to identify clients’ strengths, develop personal and professional confidence, pinpoint opportunities for improvement, and help clients elevate to capitalize on their strengths at any given moment.
I am most proud of the business’s continued traction, growth, and impact since its inception. Our primary goal is to inspire, motivate, and empower people across every background, ethnicity, and industry. It always puts a smile on my face when a client lands their dream job with a stellar resume or executive portfolio or a client wows a potential investor with a top-notch business plan. I am motivated by my clients’ growth, results, and testimonials, which is reassurance that I am in alignment with my purpose.
If you would like to learn more about how I can help you transform your lifestyle, brand or business from good to exceptional, please feel free to reach out to me and let’s discuss a plan/package that is specific to your and your service needs!
Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Calculated risk-taking is imperative while becoming your most optimal self both personally and professionally. Risk-taking forces you to be uncomfortable and being uncomfortable fosters growth and the opportunity to tap into one’s full potential.
Risk-taking shapes, molds and develops you!
Risk-taking creates pressure and pressure creates diamonds!
Risk-taking stretches you!
Risk-taking unlocks our greatest potential!
After graduating from college at the University of Iowa, I took a risk and moved to Richmond, VA for graduate school where I barely knew anyone. This life decision forced me to be comfortable with being uncomfortable where I quickly built a network, fostered new genuine friendships, and tapped into new personal and professional opportunities that shifted my mindset, goals, and understanding of life. After graduating from graduate school at Virginia Commonwealth University, I took another risk and decided to move to Washington, DC which was one of the best decisions that I could have made during that phase in my life. I was both impacted and influenced by extremely talented, ambitious, like-minded individuals who sharpened me as a woman and a professional. Most recently, I moved to Houston, TX where I have been able to build my business and expand my connections, clientele, and impact throughout the city. Each city has served its purpose and I am grateful for the courage, tenacity, and fearlessness that allows me to continue blossoming year after year!
I say all of that to say calculated risk-taking can literally change the trajectory of your life and your journey for the better and collapse time in terms of reaching and exceeding your goals. If anyone is debating on moving for that new job opportunity, changing career fields to follow your true passion, investing in that attractive real estate deal, or starting your own business to better align with your purpose…consider this a sign to go for it, if it truly makes sense for you and what you envision for your life and legacy!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.qclaystrategies.com/
- Instagram: @qclaystrategies
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qclaystrategies