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Hidden Gems: Meet Jacked Bullies

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jacked Bullies. They and their team shared their story with us below:

Jack Bullies was founded in the Winter of 2019 following two key significant events. These events being the purchase of a quasi-English bulldog from a Bogus breeder out of Alabama and the theft of our family canine named Bruno. Bella, the female “English Bulldog” acquired from the fraudulent breeder was to serve as the foundation piece for our new dog kennel. Our kennel dreams would come to a halt however when we learned that Bella was actually a mixture of Pug, Pit Bull, Bulldog and God knows whatever other type of breeds. Though costly, this lesson would be one that was pivotal for our kennel. It was this experience that would teach us about the lack of ethics, quality and the money over health attitude of some in the dog breeding community. We knew that if canine breeding was a path we were going to pursue, that we would have to vow to be nothing like the unethical breeder we encountered. We knew that we would have to build our kennel up on the opposite of everything that we experienced. Though our kennel hadn’t had a name yet, the foundation and identity were birthed. Structure, health, quality, temperament and pedigree were and still are the pillars for Jacked Bullies today. It was also this experience that transitioned us from the English Bulldog to the American Bully as we learned that the English Bulldog is prone to health issues and has a low life expectancy.

So who is Bruno? Bruno was our rare pet Newfoundland that was unfortunately stolen from us. He was a very big part of our family and had a particularly strong bond with my spouse. While out looking for a new foundation female again to start our kennel, we visited another breeder who had just had a litter. The goal was to purchase a female that day. However, it was the bond between Bruno, my spouse and the void caused from his loss that led us to instead walk away with a male. Initially deciding we weren’t going to buy anything, the little guy managed to quickly grow on us after running out the door and following us to the car as we were leaving. Before we knew it he was in the car and we were buying our first American Bully puppy. Tank, our first-ever American Bully pup would go on to become the healing needed for us as a family and fill the void we had from the loss of our pet Newfie. Tank would also go on to become the inspiration for the logo used for our kennel.

Learning and growing from these experiences, we would go on to purchase, breed and bless many other families with beautiful American Bully companions. Further educating ourselves in the breed, registries and traveling to national shows, we would go on to become one of the premier kennels in our region. Though we continue to grow and expand, we still and always will make it imperative to stick to our foundational pillars; Structure, health, quality, temperament and pedigree. Become part of our family and follow us today @JackedBullies.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Like any business, you have to sometimes scratch and fight your way up the latter. A lot of the early older breeders intentionally would withhold information or learnings from their past experiences leading you to have to learn the hard way and at times expensive way.

Buying from and dealing with unethical breeders. We’ve had some tough lessons in the beginning from buying hung pedigree dogs, dogs that weren’t the breed advertised, using studs and their owners purposely sending bad semen samples, etc. These experiences obviously strengthened us as breeders but still weren’t pleasant at the time.

Selling to unethical buyers. People may try to give you fake money or not able to come up with balances. Also

Selling puppies to people who didn’t have the means to take care of them. We had a co-own experience where we had co-own puppy released to the shelter because he couldn’t take care of it. We had to travel across the country to go get the dog from the shelter.

One of the tough parts of breeding that doesn’t get spoken out about is the bond you develop with the various litters and pups that enter your home. It’s tough losing them to a buyer and having to part ways with them.

Also, dog deaths over the years. I’ve had a dog die right in my lap from getting a hold of a toxic chemical. That was hard to deal with and extremely sad for us.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
I am the owner of Jacked Bullies. The dog breeding community has some very good breeders overall but also is has its share of inexperienced and uninformed breeders. That’s where we come in and what sets us apart. Many people enjoy breeding but may not have the financial means to do it in a manner that maintains the integrity and quality of the American Bully breed. Though this is of course unfortunate, it in turn creates a niche and space for kennels like ours who promote, socialize, educate and genuinely create quality dogs. It’s easy for us to speak to the quality of our product and to develop relationships with our customers because we aren’t just selling pups. We’re also educating. Educating and informing others about the breed instead of intentionally withholding information in the spirit of competition helps sustain the overall quality of the breed and in turn benefits the entire community. Structure, health, quality, temperament and ethics are our pillars. We share these pillars freely in hopes that breeders of all levels will adopt them and thus maintain the integrity and health of the breed.

We currently offer puppy companions, stud services, education and branding consultation.

Can you share something surprising about yourself?
Thats my favorite dog is the Siberian Husky.

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Image Credits
Photos by @KreativEnterprise

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