Today we’d like to introduce you to Sharlene McClendon.
Hi Sharlene, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
When I examine my life and how I got here, I start with becoming a mother. The love I experienced when becoming a mother changed everything about me. I experienced a love I never knew existed before causing me to suddenly shift and unlock my view of the world. Something in me no longer wanted to confirm but wanted the freedom to experience the world according to my gifts, talents, originality, and love for people. Growing up, my mother and grandmother’s relationships were and are very important to me. The example of love was and is the foundation for myself and my business. Also, the love of God. Their relationship with God was passed down to me a belief in the goodness of being a link to others. In 2008, after President Obama became president, something in me was released and I had the freedom to dream.
As I worked as a Lay Counselor in my church something inside of me was calling me to the next level and I believe it was God. So, to move to the next level, I had to jump, and I did. After doing my research, I decided on Liberty University and never looked back. From 2008 to 2014, I went to school without breaks. I completed my BS in Psychology at Liberty University in 2011 and in 2012 I started Walden University where I completed my MS in Mental Health Counseling. The decision to jump due to the freedom of choosing me has allowed me to be a link and bridge for others to choose themselves first, which creates a healthy lifestyle. My story is I chose myself which allowed me to learn how to choose and show up for others in a healthy and freeing way.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
When looking at my road to my career and business, it has not been a smooth road due to huge changes that took place along the journey. I was a mother of four daughters when I went back to school and a wife. My role as mother and wife was very important and critical to the development of my family so it was challenging. However, it was very rewarding because before starting school, I discuss the process with my family and what at that time I believe it would take for me and away from the family. So, not only did I return to school, but my family as well. There were days that I would spend the entire weekend in my office studying. There were days when I wanted to give up and quit because of the challenges of balancing my new dreams and the responsibilities of my family.
Yet, the calling on my life wouldn’t let me quit, along with some very great friendships that would remind me of who I was and that I was equipped for the journey. When starting my business it was not easy because I had to build a practice and still maintain my employment to support my family. There were days that I worked 13-15 hours. I would work 8 hours at work, leave and drive to my office and work another 5 hours seeing clients in my practice. The road challenged me and my family so no, it was not smooth and there were struggles due to the demands and needs of my family and me needing me as well. By not giving up on me, I was able to now walk in my gifts and talents.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
My businesses are Healing Together Solutions, LLC, a counseling practice started in 2018, and a Podcast called “Me, Myself, and I: How to Have a Relationship with Me”. Through my Podcast, I provide information surrounding the importance of building a healthy relationship with yourself which influences the whole person and builds a healthy relationship with others. Relationships are the cornerstone of who we are, and when a relationship with self is not established, others’ viewpoints and opinions and trauma can become the mirror for a person’s identity. An identity that is not based on the original self of an individual but that of someone else and life experiences. Also, through MMI, I am a speaker, educator, and coach for organizations, churches, and companies to address the breakdown in the culture of relationships.
In my practice, I am a licensed professional counselor. I see clients 18 and older and offer a supportive, non-judgmental, and safe environment to be seen. I specialize in offering a holistic level of mental health treatment to support individuals who are experiencing mental health challenges due to life stressors and sometimes relationships. Relationships are the foundation of who we are, yet they are the most difficult for us to navigate. Our family systems teach us how to engage in our families and when it is damaging or a lack of communication and direction, it can be devasting. In my practice, I start with the needs of my clients which almost always are connected to outside influences, so supporting my clients in seeing themselves and developing a relationship with themselves gives them a voice as they learn to identify who they are. There are six essential keys to developing a relationship with yourself.
First is safety, if we don’t know how to keep ourselves safe or how to identify safety, we don’t trust ourselves. Secondly, trust, if we don’t understand safety, we don’t trust ourselves, which leads us to seek others’ view of safety, which can have devasting consequences. Thirdly, stability teaches us endurance and steadiness that support our decision-making. If we are not stable, we can easily be moved due to our emotions and feelings which are easily changed. Fourthly, acceptance allows us freedom for ourselves that is driven by our originality. If we don’t understand and accept our originality, we can often compare ourselves to others which keeps us chained to everything but ourselves. Fifthly, patience makes room for us. It allows us room and space to be intentional about who we are and our life direction.
Lastly, love, love is a combination of all the above keys. Together, with safety, trust, stability, acceptance, and patience, we have a foundation that supports individuals truly loving and seeing themselves. Love is an action word, but most times, individuals view it through the lens of emotions and feelings, which as I tell my clients can change like the wind. One minute you feel it and the next, you don’t. So, when I think about my practice, I think about a whole level of care that allows individuals to become their whole individual selves.
How do you think about luck?
When I think about luck, I can honestly say I don’t believe in luck but in divine order. As I look back over the course of my journey into my career and business, I see the divine order of God in my life, business, and the relationships I have developed. I have had the opportunity to speak at conferences throughout Atlanta, Georgia, and to be on panels with Senators who are showing up for their communities and I don’t believe that is luck. I think back on engaging in the world of counseling through being intentional about the steps that God gave me. When looking for an internship, I had no idea where I would find one, but one day I was directed to reach out to a person I never knew and asked for help. Upon reaching out to her, she directed me to a person who hired me for my internship. I still keep in touch with this person and still have never met her and that was over nine years ago. When thinking about the start of my career, I was connected to an individual when I was just starting my master’s program for direction.
For 2-3 years, I would just email this person for support and direction, and she shared with me what could be the best path for me and how to navigate the counseling field. Never met her, just would stay in touch through email. When I got close to finishing school, I reached out for direction and she had a position, I interviewed for and got the position. It was the best job I could have hoped for because I was able to work with individuals who had been in the field for anywhere from 5-30 years. So, no I don’t believe in luck, but I do believe in divine order, and I truly believe that God has ordered my step in every way in my education, career, and now my practice.
- Individual therapy: $150
- Couple therapy: $200
- Assessments:$200
- Speaker: $1500
- Educator: $1500
Contact Info:
- Website: https://healingtogethersolutions.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sharlenehmcclendon/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sharlenehmcclendon1/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharlene-mcclendon-25435a31/