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Inspiring Conversations with Emily Hayes

Today we’d like to introduce you to Emily Hayes.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
My story starts in high school when I realized that my mindset and my past were holding me back from finding genuine friendships and being able to feel comfortable as myself. I was lost and confused going into my college years, and that’s when I had an experience with a life coach. She helped me start to figure out who I was and not who everyone else thought I was. After seeing how my life changed from simply working with her and changing the way I looked at myself and the world, I knew that is what I wanted to help other people do. I went from a girl who constantly was my own worse enemy, always seeing only the worst scenario, and never ever doing anything outside the norm, to a girl who embraced her love of helping others, tried new things that I wouldn’t have before, and found joy in all the small and big things. I graduated college with a degree in Psychology, then quickly went on to get a certification in life coaching and became an EFT practitioner. This has all led me to find my passion for helping people ditch their negative self-talk and insecurities and deeply love themselves so much nothing can hold them back from being their authentic, joyful selves.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has not been a smooth road at all. I have had many ups and downs. For example, when I started college, I wouldn’t show up to any events or socials because the fear of being judged crippled me. I was lonely, and I refused to put myself out there. It took a lot of hard work and inner work to find that confidence in myself to show up even when I knew no one. I can now walk into any space where I don’t know anyone and be confident in who I am without fear that others are judging me. Another struggle that I have faced was letting go of some of the closest people in my life after realizing that they didn’t value what I did and were holding me back from being able to look positively at the world and continue to grow. That was an extremely hard time because I felt lost and confused, but with tapping and my coach, I was able to find my way through and gain some of the most amazing friendships I have ever had. The most recent struggle I went through was learning that I couldn’t trust one of the most important people in my life. I went through a period of blaming myself, looking at the world like it was out to get me, and I isolated myself from all the things that gave me joy. I was able to be aware of what was happening and found that I did have people to lean on. I also learned a lot about certain triggers from my previous experiences and how to change the neural pathways in my brain so the bad habits changed into new, better ones.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
I help women ditch their self-doubt and stress by rebuilding their self-image and rewriting their limiting beliefs with inner child work and EFT tapping. What makes my coaching business different than others is my unique approach to changing limiting beliefs using EFT tapping. A lot of people want to avoid the hard work of changing their lives/mindsets simply because it is hard work and can be very scary to face, but by using EFT, you can change a trigger, limiting belief, bad habit, or self-talk without having to spend months and months doing really hard work. I can help women start to see a change in their self-image in just 2 weeks by simply taking 10 minutes a day to tap. I fell deeply in love with EFT tapping after I saw how quickly it could calm anxiety and stress but also prevent me from having the same reactions/behaviors that I once had. I went from dealing with intense anxiety day to day to barely getting hit with anxiety attacks at all. I have seen EFT work for so many others, and I want to help my clients use it to create their dream lives.


  • $500 for 6 week program
  • $90 per session individually
  • Free discovery calls

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: emilyhayescoaching
  • Facebook: Emily Nicole Hayes

Image Credits
Austin Scott Handle – Image on the rock

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