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Life & Work with Regina Youmans

Today we’d like to introduce you to Regina Youmans.

Hi Regina, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
It’s actually funny how I got started! I’m notorious for starting and stopping a business venture LOL, sad but true! So to ensure that I wouldn’t give up this time, I decided to start a business to gift my sister for her 16th birthday! I bought all the products, started marketing and promoting even handed out samples. A week before her birthday she decided she prefer to do hair! So here I was stuck with $100’s in inventory. At a time where I would’ve given up on anything else I actually found I enjoyed making my own cosmetic products, so I continued to push it! After many moments of trial and error a failed brand shoot, I officially launched July 21st, 2021 and I’ve been pretty successful since then!

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I had a lot of failures and early on! By handmaking all of my products, there are a lot of trial and error! I’ve lost a lot of money due to a “bad batch” of gloss. I’ve spilled/dropped more products than I can count! But it has been hard with just money and running a business. I’ve also lost friends, been treated unfairly by other business owners, my personal life plummeted and caused me to take a hit with business. Since July, I’ve had to stop twice to focus on other things. But I always picked up where I left off! No matter how hard it was to do so! The saying “strangers will support you before family/friends will” is so true! Lack of support from those closest to me was hard to handle! But eventually, everyone started to come around and even those who didn’t, I used it for motivation to keep going!

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’m currently employed at a car dealership! I’ve been there for almost eight years and I really feel like that contributes to my top-notch customer service and sales experience! I’ve been in the industry so long it’s helped me so much with my business. At work, I’m known for how well I engage with customers, it’s the same in business. I don’t mean to toot my own horn but everyone that’s had the opportunity to speak with or meet me loves me! I’m really good with people which is weird because I’m actually very shy, lol! What sets me apart from others is that I’m really big on support! It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, where you’re from if you’re trying to make a better life for yourself, I support it! It’s already hard enough out here last thing I want do is feel like I’m contributing to someone else’s downfall by not supporting them! I preach the many different ways you can support someone often, trying to get more people involved. Support when you’re contemplating giving up is crucial! I really want to see everyone win!

What’s next?
I’m excited to be adding to my cosmetics line! I started off with just lip gloss and now I have four other products with multiple varieties in stock! I’m looking forward to opening a cosmetics store! Where I’m from there aren’t many here (other than chain brands) and I think my city needs something like me… they need HoneyReign!

Contact Info:

Image Credits:

Amber Corley Bella K. Joyner Alayna Perryman Photography

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