Today we’d like to introduce you to Ash Brown.
Ash, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I had no plans to build a company. The thought never even crossed my mind. The past few years have been tough. Being a full-time caregiver is a lot. I took care of my mom for 3+ years & I would easily do it again. My mother never told me how to be a lady. She showed me through her actions. She never let anyone take advantage of her meek yet resilient spirit. Thank God inherited that spark!
I buried my mom in 2014. That was the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my entire existence. I was lost. My heart was no longer in military service. I needed to leave but I had no blueprint on where to go. I did many odd jobs that year. Helped build multiple brands & had nothing to show for it.
Then one day a light bulb went off in my head. Why in the world am I wasting time helping people not interested in helping themselves? Why don’t I pour my 13+ years of industry experience into something I can call my own. That’s when Ash Said It was born!
This company is my baby. I believe in it more than I’ve ever believed in anything. Confirmation came when I filed with the state & made an informal announcement to past colleagues. Instead of talking me out of it, they encouraged me. They helped with themes & marketing strategies. I felt so blessed. Not everybody was happy for me. I had some ‘friends’ that completely discouraged the idea. Those negative spirits had to exit. I only have room for positive energy.
If there is an idea sitting on your heart, you owe it to yourself to follow through with it! People don’t always support.
Sometimes you have to be your own ‘Cheerleader’ and that’s ok. Never stop! Now I have a podcast that is internationally known through iHeart Radio, iTunes, Google Play, Tunein & Stitcher! And I’ve had the pleasure of working with the following brands The Fox Theatre, Philips Arena, Gwinnett Relay for life, Chateau Elan, Infinite Energy Center and Lake Lanier Islands.
Has it been a smooth road?
It hasn’t been easy. Losing my mom, being in the military and finding my identity made life challenging.
It didn’t help that I was hanging with the wrong crowd. I had quite a few snakes in my circle. Some people want you doing good. Just not better than them. People will see your potential & be threatened by your success. I cut ties with many people. After that blessings started to sprinkle down on me.
I’ve had many doors slammed in my face. Not everyone will be a believer. I learned that what they thought didn’t matter. As my perspective changed, I realized the only person I needed to impress was looking back at me in the mirror. I was determined to win and no one could stop that.
We’d love to hear more about your business.
My company is a full-service public speaking boutique. I host receptions, fashion expos as well as upscale soirées. In addition to this, I am an active blogger that features events & reviews new products. I’m also a wedding Officiant that has been honored to preside over a dozen ceremonies.
This company is my biggest achievement yet. My proudest moment came when my podcast “Ash a Said It Daily” was added to these prestigious platforms: iHeart Radio, iTunes, Google Play & Tune in.
Ash Said It is different because I’m just me. What you see is what you get! I don’t put on a show to impress. I’m my usual self and people connect with that. I don’t have to pretend I’m someone that I’m not.
Is our city a good place to do what you do?
Absolutely! All you need to do is believe in yourself. There is opportunity everywhere. But you have to believe. It took me losing my mom and going through unnecessary turmoil to believe in myself. I’ve been unstoppable since.
Contact Info:
- Address: 2133 Lawrenceville-Suwannee Rd.
Suite 12-239
Suwanee, Ga 30024 - Website: www.ashsaidit.com
- Phone: 18002744936
- Email: info@ashsaidit.com