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Meet Natural Hair Stylist, Coach & Speaker: Natasha J.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Natasha.

Natasha, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I have been in the natural hair industry for sixteen years. I was a salon owner for almost ten years. I had locations in Laurel, MD, Los Angeles, CA, and Baltimore, Maryland. Currently, I am located in Atlanta, GA. I transitioned to a private studio in 2014. I have an MA in Administrative Management with a concentration in Business Management. I am a former Real Estate Investor and Certified Housing Counselor.

I began my natural hair journey in 1997. I began to pursue a career in the natural hair industry in 2000 during graduate school. I opened salons beginning in 2004. I purchased a commercial building and open my salon called Na-Klectic and my salon story began. The story leads me to now. I am now a Natural Hair Coach, work with Natural Hair Mag (largest online natural hair platform), and a Speaker (health and hair). In addition, I founded the Fibroid Alternative Healing & Support Network to share my healing from fibroid tumors.

Has it been a smooth road?
No, the road has been bumpy as any journey in this life. I had obstacles, challenges, joy and amazing experiences. I struggled with finding a good location, closing a business, re-branding, and building. The struggles have paved the way to my success. Hard work and dedication always pay off in the end. I had to recognize that struggle makes you appreciate success.

Is there some part of you work that is particularly difficult?
The hardest part of natural hair coaching, styling, and business ownership is giving customers exactly what they desire. I believe in being honest about what I can deliver and reasons why I can or cannot deliver a service. The toughest part of owning your business is understanding the value of business relationships. You have to be willing to turn down opportunities. Every opportunity is not for you. You have to realize that you cannot service everyone. Clients and businesses have the right to decide if the partnership is a good alliance. I have learned through the years that building and maintaining relationships are critical for a successful business. Business is more than selling a product or service. It is the relationship and providing excellent customer service. It is not only important for me to be prompt, professional, and deliver an excellent service. It is important for a client to be prompt, professional, and a great client. The business relationship has to work on both sides to have a successful business.

What are you striving for, what criteria or markers have you set as indicators of success?
The definition of success has changed for me through the years. I use to define success with degrees, certifications, and material possessions. I define success now with feeling passionate about my path. I feel success is having a purpose and working in and towards your purpose. I now look for joy, peace, changing lives, family, great business relationships, and travel as markers. I realize when a person tells me that they feel liberated, at peace, or learned valuable information after a service or meeting that I am moving towards my goals.

What are your plans for the future?
I am planning to continue my focus on healing and coaching through business, beauty, health, and organizing. I am dedicated to self-care and family. I believe change is constant. Therefore, big changes are happening often. Life will force you to make adjustments. I realize that everything is a season. Some seasons are longer than others. I am open to expanding my business or shifting to a new business. My long term plan is to continue on my path of business and be passionate about everything in my life. I continue to want to impact lives and to personally grow. My goal is to be a better me and spread that energy to the world.


  • Natural Hair Coaching $40 an hour
  • Natural Hair Styling $75 and up
  • Business Coaching $60 an hour

Contact Info:

0-1381919_10200529803198560_16406346_n__1_ 1-27-150x150 2-coils 3-na-klectic_la2 4-naklecticla3 Image Credit:
Graphics Metropolis
Zizwe Allette


  1. Sharon Blake

    October 21, 2016 at 2:06 pm

    Wow! So proud of Natasha! My hair misses you. I’m so happy to watch you soar! Godspeed my friend.

    • Natasha Jackson

      October 28, 2016 at 5:02 pm

      Thank you for your support. I love my clients! I miss your hair.

  2. Myra

    October 21, 2016 at 8:51 pm

    Great read! Very inspiring!

  3. Torin

    October 22, 2016 at 9:47 am

    Natasha is a consummate professional. My days as a client were of the very best experience in an industry where the standards were often not customer centric. Natasha gave her very best, was committed to being her best, and willing to help you to be the same. Absolute adoration for this Queen.

    • Natasha Jackson

      November 26, 2016 at 10:01 pm

      Thank you for your comments. You are an amazing Entrepreneur and mentor. Thank you for your inspiration.

  4. Syreeta

    October 27, 2016 at 3:46 pm

    Natasha is a true natural hair expert. She is creative with her styling and healthy hair is a top priority. She began me on my loc journey and whenever she is in DC it’s a must that she care for my hair.

    • Natasha Jackson

      November 26, 2016 at 10:01 pm

      Thank you. I love my clients. You inspire me to be better.

  5. Natasha Jackson

    October 28, 2016 at 5:04 pm

    Thank you. I appreciate your kind words and support. My clients are amazing and wonderful!

  6. Valerie

    November 18, 2016 at 4:57 pm

    Natasha’s wisdom is ageless. Not only does my hair look great after a visit; my soul feels great too.

    • Natasha Jackson

      November 26, 2016 at 10:03 pm

      Thank you! My clients give me the opportunity to provide a holistic service with their positive energy.

  7. R Lyles

    December 7, 2016 at 12:16 am

    Awesome sharing of your experience, what a blessing to have witnessed you traveling on your inspiring journey. Be blessed and continue to soar.

  8. Toya

    January 28, 2017 at 12:15 am

    Natasha is such an inspiration to so many people, she leaves her mark where ever she goes and is such a mentor and role model to those around her. So many have benefited and started their own businesses from her foundation and expertise. She is so commited and serious about being authentic and walking in her light that others feel compelled to do the same. Blessings forever. ❤

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