Today we’d like to introduce you to Brandon Norman also known as “TokyoXNova”
Hi Brandon, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
At a young age (12), Music Production was something that sparked a new path for me. My brother was a big influence to why I loved it so much and why I decided to produce music. Whenever he made beats, I was amazed by how good they sounded and how much of a musical genius he was and this sparked a new interest in music production. He always liked Dubstep and any other music in the EDM genre and over time, it grew on me. Since I enjoyed this music so much, I decided to start producing on Fl studio because that was the same Software my brother used. Originally, I had a hard time trying to make music that defined my style and was just making beats based on my interest but over time, my style formed. How I got to where I am today is that I’ve been incorporating my interest in anime as well as video games into both my music and aesthetic and it opened to many opportunities to both new friends, gigs, fans, as well as even performances at anime conventions. Confidently, after listening to my older songs and compare it to new ones, is that I have improved so much and that my songs now have depth.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I have had many Challenges in music production as well as getting performances. Defining who TokyoXNova is and trying to build both a personalized style and a character in the beginning was very difficult. Some people have natural talent for music production and I feel like I did have some, but it was difficult to know how to use it the right way. Many older songs I had created did not sound professional but had a lot of creativity, and the hardest part was to blend those two aspects. There were more problems also with trying to have people engaged in the beginning and to have my music heard. But Overtime as both my production quality increased as well as more people knew who TokyoXNova was, it was less of a struggle than when I started.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a Music Producer and a DJ. And I am known for having video games and anime-type music that fits the aesthetic. I also have a character/mascot that is named after my music producer name, TokyoXNova, which is what most of my songs gain inspiration from. My two most popular songs “Shogun” and “Crush” both incorporate those traits. I specialize in making Dubstep and Future bass. I am most proud of Performing at an anime convention that is increasing in size called Queen City Anime Con which has opened me to so many new opportunities.
Who else deserves credit in your story?
I would like to give my Brother most of my credit because he has been someone who has supported me through everything I did and is the one who makes me even more excited to show my accomplishments too. I’d also like to give credit to a DJ named Ninelyoko AKA, Tres McNeil. After meeting him after he discovered one of my DJ mixes that I posted on my Instagram, he invited me to DJ on his Twitch and perform my music. Sometime after he allowed me to perform at Queen City Anime Con in Charlotte, NC. He is a big contributor to me as a DJ as well as a friend because he has helped me with so many opportunities as someone who just recently started performing. He also included me into a group of DJs called the CosmicCatz and these groups of people are the most amazing and supportive group I have ever met and I hope to work with them again very soon. And finally, my current friends have been most supportive and loving and encouraging of my music. They were also the first people at my first showing cheering louder than anyone in the room and made me feel loved and cherished when performing.
Contact Info:
- Email: tokyoxnovamgmt@gmail.com
- Website: https://linktr.ee/tokyoxnova?fbclid=IwAR0NBuqivf0sUYLo1QDRv-iiyMLuJDsCuFDfIlnAjP2T0R8NzGkFPtFu-LM
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tokyoxnova/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/xaivernova
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/tokyoxnova
- Other: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7oTn1wpvcHqkgWToJEV9Dg?si=WFaU5R_UQZO6-y5coxH_AQ