Today we’d like to introduce you to Brittany P. Bennett.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Brittany. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
At a very young age, I had to learn quickly how to properly articulate my feelings so I started writing. Growing up in the area I did, northside of Jacksonville, FL, in a neighborhood called Grandpark, it was tough. Living in a three bedroom, one bathroom home with six people was not the easiest so writing was my outlet. It was my way of being able to have a voice in such a crowded environment. I started writing poetry, then in high school, I wrote for the newspaper, in college I started blogging way back before blogging became a “thing!” After a while, writing not only became my voice, it became…me. But I gave it up to pursue other things in life and then everyone began to do it so I definitely didn’t think it was for me anymore. After hearing my friends tell me over and over to create a blog again, I obliged and “iambrittanypatrice” was created. It’s all things me. I don’t fit inside a box so my writing style isn’t just focused on one topic. As I continue to grow, my writing will also continue to evolve. I want to make the person who visits my page to feel like they can relate in some form or fashion and I want people to leave my page thinking “dang Brittany’s dope” and come back for more!
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Whew, Chile! You’re just going to have to read the book! You have some wine?! No seriously though, it hasn’t been a smooth road and I am very open about my past. One of my biggest obstacles that I still struggle with is having my writing sound like me and not the world. We get so consumed with social media, news, celebs, politics, etc. we get lost in who we really are and want to conform to the way we “think” people will like us. I tell myself constantly that if I want people to read my content I have to be myself or what am I doing this for? There are enough people trying to be like someone else. I just want to be Brittany.
We’d love to hear more about your work.
I am a writer. I am not just a blogger. Yes, there’s a difference. All writers can be bloggers. All bloggers can’t be writers.(No shade I promise!) I not only want my readers to be engaged with what I’m saying, I want your mind to be stimulated by the words I write. I don’t just want catch phrases and hashtags to draw you in, I want to be able to make you feel like you are in a story. I am known for my controversial opinions and comedic outtake on life! People think I’m funny for some reason! I know there are a lot of bloggers out there now, but I believe what sets me apart is the fact that I stay true to myself. If you know me in real life, I want you to be able to read my page and say to yourself, “Yup, that sounds like Brittany!” I am an acquired taste and not everyone will like my style or what I have to say and that is perfectly fine! You probably still eat Mcdonalds anyways and I’m a whole Filet Mignon!
Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
God first off and foremost deserves all the credit! If it weren’t for the Big Homie G giving me this gift, I wouldn’t be where I am. My mom and my girlfriends also deserve a lot of credit for pushing me to start my page and believing in me every step of the way. They also entertain my foolery so I guess they love me or whatever!
Contact Info:
- Website: Iambrittanypatrice.com
- Email: brittanypbennett1@gmail.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iambrittanypatrice
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/iambrittpatrice
Image Credit:
Alfonso Jarrod, Carissa Glanton, Stephanie Jones
Getting in touch: VoyageATL is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.