Today we’d like to introduce you to Catherine Fox.
Catherine, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I was what some might consider a professional college student attending five different universities collecting degrees along the way. Finally, at age 30, I obtained my first job as an environmental scientist with the US Environmental Protection Agency in Atlanta, GA. There, I specialized in contaminated sediments, a relatively new environmental concern in the southeastern United States. Soon, I transferred to EPA in Washington DC to continue work in this area including preparation of a Report to Congress on the nature and extent of contaminated sediments across the United States. Subsequent assignments at the Agency included multi-media environmental and human health risk assessment and providing compliance assistance to Native American Tribes. Work at the EPA was sometimes challenging due to changing political environments and the negative aspects of bureaucracy. I left EPA in 2005 to focus on my new company, FOX Environmental, and never looked back. The business has always been successful with a focus on helping hundreds of local governments and industries achieve compliance and protect critical environmental resources.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
With the exception of some frustrating years at EPA in Atlanta that felt like swimming in molasses (among a few sharks), my career has been relatively smooth! What I learned from that experience is that it is important to recognize and utilize one’s strengths, and not be afraid to follow one’s heart even if the outcome is uncertain.
FOX Environmental – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
FOX Environmental helps local governments and private industries promote sustainable community development and compliance with federal, state, regional and local environmental regulations. FOX has built a strong reputation for developing practical, cost-effective solutions that meet the specialized needs of each client and the environment. Much of our work focuses on watershed protection, storm water, water supply and wastewater program management. I am most proud of the many hundreds of clients our small company has helped throughout the state of Georgia. I am also proud of providing opportunities and direction to a number of hard-working college students that have moved on to further their education and develop exciting careers in the environmental field. What sets FOX apart is that we spend a lot of effort showing our clients that meeting the requirements is easier and not as expensive as they may think. We do this in the hope that they will continue to be compliant and also protect the environment in the future, long after FOX has moved on to other challenges.
What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
I have no single proudest moment of my career so far. I am very proud that I established a successful business on my own and have not strayed from my core values of honesty, integrity, hard work and fairness for all.
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